"God Barry we are late!" I stood up started getting ready in super speed. Running to the bathroom and getting ready and getting dressed and clean up and make breakfast, gosh the list goes on and on. 

"You ready?" Barry suddenly appeared in front of the fridge in the kitchen. 

I turned to make sure he was dressed. I finished spreading the avocado on my toast. "Yup, you?" 

He grabbed his bags and nodded looking at me. "So where are we going first?" 

I thought while eating my toast, I kinda learned the hard way not to eat on the run. "CCPD, because if we don't show up we are going to loose our jobs" 

He laughed "You are probably right"

I quickly finished my food and ran to CCPD, with Barry following behind me. We opened the elevator to the CCPD and Singh walked straight to us. "You are both late!" 

I looked at the ground, I knew it was wrong. 

"I know we are so sorry we just got really busy" Barry told him, sighing like he was tired. 

Singh lowered his voice and walked closer to us "People are starting to notice how you guys don't like ever show up, and if it goes too far I will have to fire you. So please, please, don't make me make that decision." 

My eyes met his and I nodded in agreement "We won't make you make that decision." I reassured him. 

He backed up and fixed his shirt "I was going to ask if you know where Julian is because I haven't seen him like at all either." 

I shrugged not really caring "No I have no idea"

"Okay well" He looked around and back to us "Just get to work, and start showing up." 

*in Barry and Thea's office* 

"We do need to take our job seriously, I mean people depend on us to give them justice and reasoning and we aren't even here to do that" I talked with him

He nodded and leaned on his desk "Let's start showing up, this is our job." 

I smiled at him, looking at the pile of papers on the floor. The one's I needed to go through. I bent over and grabbed the pile, feeling pain and soreness in my body. "Gosh" I stood up fully and placed the pile on my desk. 

Barry's eyes watched me "Are you okay?" He asked 

I nodded and looked at him "Just sore" 

"What are you sor-" He stopped talking "I didn't mean to-" 

"Barry don't apologize, it was amazing." I shuffled through my papers making more piles of the one big one I started with. "Don't over think it Barry please"

"No Thea, look" He was talking quiet. 

I looked at him and followed his eye sight, it was the blue guy with all of the armor. "What are you doing here!?" I stepped closer to him. 

He looked at me a tilted his head. "To kill you." 

Barry stepped in front of me "Who are you?" 

The blue armor guy didn't move his eyes were set on mine. I felt my feet go away from under me, I was being carried. Thrown over somebody's shoulder, but I didn't know who's. I was just somewhere else. Then I was thrown, I hit the ground. The cold wet grass by the bay. I looked up and around the scene, I was by town. But it looked different, more futuristic? 

"Hello, Thea Queen" His voice was low and raspy, had some kind of scarce to it. 

I looked up, it was the blue armor guy. I stood up quickly "Who are you?!" 

"My name is Savitar, God of Speed. And you aren't supposed to be here." I quickly saw a blue streak and I was moving again.

Then thrown back on the ground, this time it was hard like concrete. Dark still but on hard floor. I was terrified this thing was faster than me, by like ten times. "I didn't do anything!" I got my feet under me and stood up to him. 

He just walked to me slowly "Oh you did everything." 

I was back off my feet, but this time I opened my eyes. I was in some sort of blue portal thing. Then back on the ground. The pipeline now. What was he doing? 

Before I could even collect my thoughts I felt some of the worst punches I ever have to my stomach and ribs. He was going crazy not even allowing me to stand up. I used my arms to cover my head but I was defenseless. I quickly started to phase through his beating, i had a idea of how I was going to survive and I had to hold onto that like my life depended on it. Because it did. 

When this Savitar guy saw me phasing through the punches he backed up, "That's no fun." He stood waiting for me to stand. 

When I did he watched me. "You won't win this."

He laughed. He just stood there and laughed. "I will, because you will die." 

I shook my head and swallowed my fear, I had to stay alive. 

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