Changes aren't seen but experienced: part 2

Comenzar desde el principio

"Oh... well, that wasn't me," she said in the same nonchalant tone as the amber eyes turned to her .

"How Is that!? supposed to be comforting!?" Weiss comically yelled out at her in indignation.

As if splashed by cold water, a chill washed down their spine, they felt a cold breeze pass by them from behind.

They turned around to see an object mystically glowing and floating in mid air in an almost hypnotic manner as it sways back and forth, the light pulsing as if it were a heart beating.

" was nothing," Weiss let out a sigh as she looked up at the light as it swayed gently, "this is probably one of the relics that the headmaster mentioned," she said aloud, speaking her mind.

She looked up to the light and then began to slowly walk towards it, passing by Blake not noticing the trepidation that was held within the fanus girl's eyes.

As Weiss took cautious Steps towards the 'relic' it began to slowly lower itself to her as she reached up towards it, an arm out stretching itself a few feet away from the light as it closed in.

But then without warning she felt as if she had been pulled away from a certain distance away from the 'relic'.

"Hey why did you-" she cut off when she heard the sound of hard rock and pebbles moving with then it is seen that The 'relic' is on the ground, with then Blake decided to actually take out her scroll and to use the torch (flashlight) feature as it then show the ground where Weiss once stood demolished to bits and rubble and what seems like a shadow, standing, of someone seemingly reaching towards the now vacant spot and then they noticed that something was on their shoulder they turned and saw a hand laying on their shoulder and it was a light shaking pale skin hand she then turns to the direction the light of the torch that now revealed that, that was hiding within the dark shadows.

Looking at what was thought to be the 'relic' was in fact not a relic but a bright glowing yellow stinger that was still slowly hypnotically swaying, connected to a black tail that trails down to something covered in dirt yet some color white can be seen poking out.

Then ten scarlet blood red eyes open one by One. As then behind the big scarlet eyes slowly open, multiple smaller ones start to appear on the ceiling of the cave.

Blake moved the torch upwards towards the ceiling showing hundreds of smaller scorpions as they clicked their mouth and claws, the ground rose, a human skull held by the claws and instantly crushed like it was made of paper.

And then a giant grimm scorpion stands from the soil in its depraved glory. It let out a horrifyingly high squeal that would cause your hearts to bleed and shutter, both girls covering their ears from the painful shrinking.


"Nora, do you know where you're headed towards?" asked Ruby wondering if the girl knows where they are heading.

"To Destiny!" she said dramatically pointing into the distance at nothing Ruby looks at the direction where the girl was pointing towards then back at the girl and took a retake.

"What?" Ruby was the only thing that she could respond with.

"You know fate, destiny, things were meant to follow,"

"Yes I know what that is but it's just what do you mean by what you just said?" questioned Ruby

weirdly enough for some reason I have this feeling... nevermind might just be a feeling so come on let's go on an adventure, partner" she said in excitement as ignoring or didn't hear her and she once again drags Ruby along.

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