"I gotchu girl." Shani said helping her sit up.

"thank you." she said her voice cracked and she looked a bit weak.

"Hey mama." Kas said to yasmine.


"Your finally awake." Her mother and dad came up to her.

"So watchu gon name the baby?" Shani asked.

"I dont know.."

"Josiah." Kas said. Yasmine and everyone else looked at him. "What?"

"Yeah. I like Josiah." Yasmine said nodding her head and looking at her baby.

"Josiah Rose."

"He taking ya last name..?" He asked.

"Yeah, we not married or nothing."

"Oh ok." He said. He felt waves of regret coming in. He knew he hurt her in the past, but he changed.

"Me and your father are going to be heading out now, baby. Please be safe." She said kissing her daughter on the cheek.

"I will momma." She kissed her back and her father kissed her on the cheek too before heading out the door. As they opened it they saw a girl outside the door. She was about to open it.

"Oh sorry.." The girl said.

"Are you my daughter's friend..?"

"Yeah, I came to visit. Is she still in here?"

"Yes, she is, you can come in." Her mother said. The girl walked in and everyone turned around seeing her.



Kas was back to the hospital after the nurse told him she was ready to go and she had gotten better.

"You ready to leave now? It's been months." He asked her.

"Mhm." She said putting her shoes on.

"Lemme help you out."

"I'm ok Kas." She clearly wasn't ok since she was struggling to put it on.

"Lemme just help you." He said going towards her and taking the shoe from her hand and putting it onto her foot.

"Thank you, I guess."


"Why'd you stay? Even when you tried to kill me."

"What i did was wrong. and i regret trying to hurt you and shit. you yasmine's friend, and you knew ha for a long time. i couldn't let another friend of hers die cause i was angry."

"i understand. but your. brother still killed my other friends Kas." she said placing her hand onto his face as she stood up.

"i know, and im sorry for that but dont compare me to that nigga. i was just mad as fuck. you know?"

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