Shooting Star

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Winter Darling:

Once upon a time, Peter Pan was a good king for Neverland. That was until Wendy broke his heart. She had left it with a gaping wound and nobody helped him heal it, leaving it to fester and spread until he was entirely consumed by the heartbreak.

Or so that's how the book I've just read has ended.

This is the thousandth time I've read it. Wendy and I have the same last name: Darling. So I've loved the book since I was a child. Since then, I've read every version there is of the book. Even the original which teaches of Pan's tragic tale with Wendy.

I slip my legs out of my thick blanket and the shock as my feet land on the cold floor wakes me up a bit. The floorboards creak as I make my way to the large window in my room. It's the only good thing about this house. The rest of it is creaky and seems half-dead if not already dead.

I shouldn't complain though, it's the only thing my father could afford and even then I'm still helping with most of the bills. We haven't had heating since I was a toddler.

Since before he gave me up for the sake of cheap booze.

I don't have a memory of him where he isn't clutching a bottle. If I did, it'd only give me false hope for him to quit one day. To quit and see me as his little girl once again.

God, I miss that.

It's pathetic, I know but it's the harsh reality of having a dad who loves whiskey more than you.

I stand with my ribs pressing against the windowsill as I gaze out into the starry night. The sky is clear enough for all the stars to be seen. The only clouds are little smears of white which barely cover the moon itself.

I've always loved the stars when they shine through the sky. I used to be jealous of how far away they are from the world. From the troubles of it. Sitting there, prim and proper like they're above us all. I wish I could do that.

What I'd do to get away from here...

I'm nothing but a spectator as I watch the beautiful painting that is the night. I'm watching the small white specs of stars scattered across it when I suddenly notice something.

There's a dark dot in the distance but it seems to be falling. A shooting star? I ask myself, but it isn't. It's heading straight for the ground as quickly as possible and my brows can't help but frown in confusion.

I quietly tip-toe down the stairs and outside the house to find what this mysterious darkness is. I'm dressed in shorts which leave so much skin on my legs to get attacked by the cold, that they quickly grow goosebumps. The only sense of warmth is the large hoodie I have draped over my top half.

I rush over to where I think the thing fell and I find something unexpected in the distance. Not an object.

A boy...

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