chapter three

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"hey, are you okay? you've looked very... gloomy these last few weeks." your coworker asks as she enters your office.

"huh? yeah... i'm okay." you nod absentmindedly.

"are you and minho okay? he looks angry today as well. did you guys get in a fight?" she presses on, genuinely worried about you. you send her a look, not trying to be rude, but you really didn't want to talk about it. "i don't mean to pry, i'm just worried." she apologizes.

"no— i know, i'm sorry. yeah we got in a fight." you tell her with a sigh.

"what about this time?" she didn't mean to sound rude, but ever since you and minho had gotten together, it had been fight after fight.

the first few weeks were pure bliss, you were happy to be with your college crush after so long. happy to have been reunited with him, and happy that he felt the same way about you. but it didn't take long for the mask to fall, and for you to realize that minho was not the same minho he was back in college. at least, not the one you fell for.

you should have seen the red flags, in his defense, he wasn't exactly secretive about it. you just chose to brush it off. but it's become harder and harder.

any time anything went wrong in your relationship, minho's solution was to use his money. it was sweet at first, you felt sick? he would buy you tons of medicine and foods that you could eat. you skipped lunch one day at work? he would send you a whole meal the next day, straight to your office.

but all of that quickly turned into you wanting to take some time away from work with him to go visit your parents in busan? he would rather fly them out here so he could keep working. you wanted to go walk around the han river with him? he would turn it into a work trip, paying for the whole office to so he could use it as an excuse to keep working.

and it all became worse when those two little lines crossed on the pregnancy test. you wanted to be excited, you really did, but you knew exactly how he would react when you told him. but you couldn't exactly keep it from him, so you told him this morning. hence your gloomy mood now.

he was ecstatic about the pregnancy, he picked you up, and gave you a kiss full of love. but the words that came out of his mouth after the fact made you feel terrible.

"i needed someone who could follow in my footsteps."

you should have just brushed it off, but you couldn't help it.

"i want you to take some time off with me, so we can raise the baby together. i don't want them to think life is all about work. i think we can afford to take a year or two off."

and he laughed.

"babe, we can afford to retire right now. but you're hilarious if you think i'm doing something like that. this baby should know that you have to work in life. we don't want them to be spoiled."

"they won't be spoiled! this baby deserves to know both of their parents."

"and they will. i'll give you maternity leave, as long as you need, but i can't just abandon work."

"minho, all you do is work."

"that's not true. if that was true you wouldn't have a baby in you."

you hated thinking back on the conversation. especially with what it ended with.

"if you're that unhappy about this, you can terminate it. just use my card." and with that, he walked out the door.

"so what are you going to do?" your coworker asks after you finished explaining it to her.

"i don't know. i really don't want to raise the child on my own. or with the most expensive child care that minho can find." you roll your eyes at your own statement, knowing that's exactly something he would do.

"well you—" a knock on your door interrupts her, and minho pushes through the door, smiling at her before looking over to you.

"you coming to lunch with me?" he asks sweetly, as if the entire fight you had earlier didn't happen.

"sure." you respond, sending an apologetic smile to your friend as you get up from your desk. minho sweetly holds out his hand to you, linking your fingers as he leads you out.

"i ordered your favorite." he tells you with a smile. of course he did. "and i want to talk about this morning." that genuinely caught you off guard. he never wanted to talk about things, he would only ever buy you things, hoping you'd eventually get over whatever you were upset about. and you hated to admit that it worked.

"really?" you ask him.

"of course. this is our baby we're talking about. i really don't want you to terminate it. i don't know why i said that i was just... upset..." you felt hopeful for the first time since you joined this relationship. he was willing to hear you out.

"okay... yeah, let's talk about it." you smile.

maybe things were looking up now.

purple // lee minho ✔️Where stories live. Discover now