11. Authentic Admissions

Start from the beginning


" No buts Ari, it's alright, really. Why do you even put up with those bitches? Honestly you deserve so much better, girl. I mean it" It was Monica who spoke up this time, finally letting out her thoughts and spilling out her curiosity. We can't really blame her, can we? With all that's going around her, she could really use a break and maybe even get some secret juicy information about her current-most-hated-person.

"Ahh ohh..." Aria chuckled. But there was no sense of humor or happiness in it.

"It's not always been this way, you know. I am not support to go around saying this but I have kept it bottled up for too many years and I think it's been taking a roll on me. Emily, Meredith and Adeline-their families I mean, had a joint business. It was a huge firm. When I was around six, my father got into some really heavy debt and it was them who pulled us out of bankruptcy. And that's how the story goes. I, my family,is practically indebted to them. So you see, I don't have a way out. "

Aria completed with a smirk, as if making fun of her own helpless situation.

"That's messed up, girl. " Sienna said too shocked to comprehend the entire ordeal.

"Yes, oh my god, I never-"

Monica's words were interrupted by that voice again. Again. It was there, yet once again to make her relive the misery.

"Can we talk" It was curt, emotionless. There stood Emily Rhodes, stoic and unaffected, asking Monica for a 'talk'. It didn't need her to specify who she wanted to have this talk with, considering that her piercing gaze was pointed directly towards Monica.

"No, how about I beat you-"

"Why? " Monica voiced, interrupting Sienna's flare-up. Head high and chin up, she held the piercing gaze, reflecting as much confidence as she could muster.

"How about a more....... private setting"


"But, you can't just-"

"I said, it's alright" Monica gritted, shooting a death glare towards Sienna, which was enough to shut her up, before following Emily out of the cafeteria, into the desolate courtyard.

Monica's POV :

We stopped under a maple tree in the huge courtyard overlooking Lady Queen High. The leaves already bright red, symbolizing the onset of fall.

"So, what is this about? " I started irritated at being dragged out of lunch for a shitty occasion such as conversing with my enemy

"Look, I want to apologize. What happened and what you saw yesterday, it was a huge misunderstanding. Yes, it's true that Mere stole those projects for me because, well, maybe I had been too expressive about my....ambitions. But that's not the point. I had no role to play, seriously. Mere did it because she thought it might benefit me, but she failed to realize that I don't seek help of unfair means for a few petty marks. I value honesty. You have to trust me, Monica. I'm really sorry for all the trauma that you had to suffer. But please, trust me. "

Emily pleaded, literally begged. This was a new side of her. Was she really that apologetic or is this another of her tactics. But I really want to forgive her. God why, do you have to put me in such a situation, ugh. Should I forgive her and let us both go back to normal? She does sound genuine. And as far as I have known her, she does not really apologize to anyone, unless absolutely necessary— unless she has something to lose. But what might that be in this case? Clearly, she knows that I won't report her. Then....

"Do you mean it? " I questioned the most serious expression plastered on my face

"Wha-do I not seem to? " Emily deadpanned, seemingly done with life....and maybe me too.

"You do." I said and gradually let a small smile break out. It was so much easier to let go of things—misunderstandings, controversies— wasn't it? It was so much healthier and peaceful to start afresh. I did so too—Gave Emily Rhodes a second chance. Not because I thought she deserves it. But because I felt everyone should get one— to prove themselves again. To prove that they are not the person the other one perceived them to be. Hence, I gave in, not caring about further regrets—fighting away my inner conflicts.

"Why would you smile? Does that mean we're good?" Emily questioned even more confused.

"Nope, I accept your explanation. Us, being good is a far fetched dream" I said jokingly, now enjoying the seemingly light atmosphere. I swear, I could notice the ghost of a smile beginning to etch on to her lips as well, no matter how hard she tried to resist it.

"Oh good heavens! I was so frantic, assuming you wouldn't"

"Oh shut up I'm not that cruel. Anyways, can I have the projects back now? " I asked, feigning exasperation.

"Oh of course. Meredith has already returned the projects to your friends, I've even instructed her to apologize properly for such a misconduct. And for your project, well I submitted it to the Headmaster this morning."

" Oh alri-YOU WHAT? Are you insane Emily Rhodes? Why would you give it up to the goddamn Headmaster? It was only the scripted idea, you dufus, not the entire model!!!" I demanded, horrified at her astounding revelation. Was she trying to get me in trouble? Again?

"I did it to make it up to you, okay? You will thank me later." Emily suggested too confident to reconsider her own actions.

" 'Thank you later', my ass! Oh God help me! " I cried to the holy heavens, rushing to the Headmaster's office, determined to apologize for Emily's unthoughtful and inconsiderate, stupid actions, as well as my carelessness. This wasn't a part of the plan, ugh, I'm doomed.

While left alone, watching a retreating Monica,stood an equally confused Emily.


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