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You awoke in a hospital bed, doctors anxiously whispering around you. Confusion took over you, as your head swung around to analyze the room. You got off the bed and stood up, but nobody seemed to notice you still. You eyed back to the bed to see.. yourself. You were laying there lifelessly, a machine showing a flatline next to you, those same bloody bandages covering your face and arms. You knew for sure now, that you were dead. That's why nobody could see you. You wondered to yourself, "What happened here?"

Soon after your thought had ended, a few people rushed in, supposedly your family. They screamed and cried, begged for you to wake up. It was painful to watch, to know that these people cared so dearly for you and yet you couldn't do anything to respond to them. "Hey.. I'm right here, it's okay-" You'd choke the words up, your voice raspy, again you weren't heard. You'd yell out in frustration. "LISTEN TO ME! I'M RIGHT HERE!" You let out a shaky exhale. "Look.. LOOK AT ME!" You'd stammer, tears swelling up in your dull eyes.

Deep down you knew that they'd never look at you again, unless it was your corpse. Still, you kept yelling out, wishing for a reply. The lights sparked and went out after this. "What happened-?" A doctor muttered, concerned.
Did you do that? It seemed like it. The lights would flicker back on after a few seconds. "So I do have some control..?" You tilted your head slightly, a little more satisfied now. You then blacked out.

The Deep EmptinessWhere stories live. Discover now