Sixteen. The Librarian: Part Two

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The first day of her new work life was complete and Judith was relieved to finally leave the office where she would now spend much of the week. Even though she had been in her little house for over two weeks straight she looked forward to getting back there to tell Jersey all about her first day.

Although excited, she knew the evening would play out depending on Jersey's mood. The spirit did not return to her the previous night or that morning. Judith was sure she felt her breast being cupped while she slept but that may have had something to do with the dream involving Henry Cavill she was having.

Her feelings for Jersey were conflicting at times; she found it irritating that the spirit used her as a toy whenever it felt like it, but she was also disappointed when she was left to fall asleep or wake up without being groped, caressed or probed with fingers.

The decision to wear a skirt was a regrettable one as Judith found herself tugging at it to stay in place too often; she had always been more fond of trousers, she only wore the skirt in the hope that Jersey would have given her some attention to ease the anxiety of her first day.

A thought that seemed ridiculous now that she had been at work all day and now had to walk home. She decided trousers were the way forward from now on, it seemed a ghost could not be teased after all. How disappointing.

A flush of heat dipped from her stomach down to her loins as she began thinking about her... Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Her ghost, I wonder if they are planning on fucking me tonight or will I be left alone again? Judith was hoping for the contact.

She did not want to admit it but she had a little thrill from the way Jersey was toying with Rose the day before. It gave her a sense of security, knowing that Jersey could protect her from uninvited guests. She felt bad for Rose but she wanted her friend to truly believe her about her ghost.

However, she knew it was not a nice move and it could lead to altercations in the future. Would Jersey become more sinister towards her friends in the future? Would Jersey become so possessive of Judith that they would scare them away for good?

Judith passed the library on the way home and decided she would call in to see Sheridan. Judith was aware there could be some truth in what the older lady had warned her about and she wanted to protect herself and others if things did go south.

"Please be in today," Judith whispered as she entered. Luckily she was, Judith spotted her almost straightaway and sat at the reception counter. "Hi," she smiled.

"Third row, second shelf from bottom," was Sheridan's reply without looking up.

"Sheridan, it is me, Judith."

"Good afternoon, Miss Ainbridge. Third row, second shelf from bottom. You will find what you're looking for." This time Sheridan did look up and gave a courteous smile.

"I don't know what I'm looking for. I'm not sure how to describe it," Judith replied.

"Is Mary showing her true colours? You must prepare yourself for all eventualities, you know that."

"I need a contingency plan?"

"Bingo," Sheridan nodded and pointed towards the third row. "There's a book there that may be of help."

"Thank you," I guess, replied Judith. She was hoping for a bit more courtesy from the woman who came to her home only two days before and filled her head with these extra thoughts of possessiveness.

The third row contained four sets of shelves, each lined with numerous books. The swinging sign above the aisle read: Paranormal/Supernatural. Judith acknowledged the sign with a faint smile then proceeded to bend down to look at the 'second from bottom' shelves.

There were books on vampires, werewolves and even mermaids, all published as non-fiction. That may be a little too farfetched, but at this point, why not have mermaids and big foots, Judith thought dryly.

The section on ghosts was small but Judith believed she had found the book Sheridan mentioned. She read the spine of the book that stuck out more than the others.

"The Spirit Realm And Us by Alexander Neville 1906."

She pulled out the book and studied the cover, "Neville, I know that name." Judith opened the book and read the first page.

"For my dearest mother, Luca Underhill and my beautiful wife, Lady Sarah Donovan."

Soppy git, Judith thought. "Sheridan mentioned Underhill before. This must be the right book." She turned a few pages and scanned the text. There were some old photos printed inside, not much was shown in them except Victorian dressed men and women stood next to... Smudges... Clouds? Judith could not make out the shapes.

She took the book back to Sheridan. "Sign me up please, I want to check out this book."

"You found it, good choice. Ok, I'll just need to take a photo for ID."

"I hope my hair looks ok," Judith tried to joke. Sheridan answered with a blank look. "May I ask you something please, Sheridan?"

"Certainly, Miss Ainbridge. What is it?"

Judith waited until the librarian put the camera back down. "Have you returned to the house to warn every tenant that's lived there since you?"

"No, only you and the previous lady. It was only last year in fact. Donna, her name, did not want much to do with ghosts and fairytales, as she called it, and left. Claiming she had been assaulted sexually. I told her I could help get rid of her ghost but at that point she had no intention of going back."

"Is that your intention? To kill the ghost?" Judith realised that last bit sounded stupid as soon as it left her mouth. She knew Sheridan was going to roast her for it anyway.

"Judith, you can't KILL a ghost, but you can send it to the spirit realm. The next life for all of us. There it will reside peacefully and happy. It's where we all want to go but some of us get trapped here, like Mary."

"Jersey," Judith pointed out. "So you want to help them?"

"Jersey destroyed my parents. I don't want to help them. I want to stop them hurting others and put them where they belong."


Sheridan pointed at the book, "Read it, it tells you how. I've met them, you know, the Neville's. Not Alexander, obviously, but the current generation. A whole family bloodline dedicated to the study of spirits. Interesting bunch."

"I see, and these people will get rid of Jersey if I ask for it?"

"If you paid them handsomely to come up from London, yes."

"Thank you, Sheridan. You have been helpful." Judith picked up the book after the librarian stamped it and turned to leave.

"One more piece of advice. Leave the book in your car, you don't want the spirit reading it," Sheridan grinned as she watched Judith leave.

Judith said one last thank you before leaving. She prayed she would not have to resort to having to send Jersey away but she could not let the spirit take complete control of her life either.


Word count- 18557

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