" Exactly, I can't help appreciate the outer looks , tho I also can't help pulling out the inner darkness " My eyes darkened at her and throw her a mocking smirk .

" I would advice that you stay away from the darkness. " I lean in near her ear and whisper.

" Someone might pull you in their darkness "

I pull away but to my surprise, there was not a single look of any fear. My phone again start to ring as I pull away.

" Anyways come down stairs, I made some breakfast " She said leaving the room. I look at her walking figure . I blink my eyes. Once and then twice. What the hell. I don't do this thing.

I close my eyes and then went to get dressed. But all the time I was getting dressed her face was coming into my mind. Her smile and her eyes. She is playing with my mind and I can't seem to help.

As I entered the kitchen the tasty smell of breakfast reached my nostrils. She was standing the middle preparing the table. Her hairs pulled up into a bun. The sunlight was giving her so beautiful look. I gulp looking at her, I never gulp!

She look at me and pointed towards the table.

" Your are lucky, I cooked for you " She said holding a proud expression on her face. I take the seat and look at the food. Can she try to kill me? Well who cares.

" I didn't ask you to cook " I said taking the first bite of the omelet.

Salty taste spread in my mouth. All damn salt , I.... I have never eat this kind of horrible food. I was on the verge of throwing the good out of my mouth. But then I look up. Her eyes were shining as she was looking at me with her actually big eyes.

So what I did was so unreal . I gulp the worst food in my life into my stomach. Note to myself never let her enter into my kitchen .

I picked up the glass of water as if my life depends on the water. " So how is it? "

It's garbage , the worst food I have ever eaten. Who cooks such Hazardous food ! Is it to fucking kill me? And who the hell ever told you that you can even go near the stove!!.

But instead of saying this I said.

" Not bad " She smiled and clapped her hands together. She smiled at me. My heart again start to beat fast . I need to see doctor.


I entered the huge room. A large table in the middle and people sitting there. They all are high profile people the most trusted ones in the brotherhood. They are the people who can take and give life for the mafia.

I walk to the head seat and take the seat as if I'm their lord.

I'm Actually Their Lord .

I sat there holding the gun in my hand. My right man standing behind me like a wall . Even though no one can kill me here. If they do, the brotherhood will find that person and send them to the lowest part of hell.

" How did they get in " I asked looking up at everyone still playing with the gun. Kashaan

One of the most trusted man, who is kind of older than me started.

" The Italian mafia got into the base from the underground way. Their men were everywhere and they killed half of our men. "

My tongue poked my cheek.

" So they decided to start a war " I said to myself. Then I look up at everyone.

" We will answer the war then. How about we give them the surprise just now " They all frown as I stand up straightening my coat then turning on the LED.

There was a live video playing. A man who is the right hand of the Italian Mafia king was entering his car with his men shielding him. Such a boring man.

As the man got into the I smirked and picked up a remote from the table.

" This is our sign to start the war " I said pressing the button. And on the other side his car blew up with the bomb. There was no voice in the room. We all could hear the voice of Burning of the car and Him life. Ops

The fire was everywhere. With him his men also burned to their life. I turned off the amazing show and turn around to the members.

" Eye for an eyes " I said nodding towards them. " Get ready for the war. " I said walking out of the building. I get into my car and drive to the place I feel better.

The place was filled with many cars doing stunts. Kind of stunts that can end their lives , but it's the fucking thing. You feel most alive here .

My heart pounded like a drum solo as I pulled into the dusty car lot. This wasn't your fancy showroom kind of car club. This was raw speed, wind in your hair, and the sweet taste of victory – or, at least, the adrenaline rush. I wasn't here for the money, they bet here, sure, but the thrill of the race was what I craved.

The air crackled with nervous energy as guys tightened bolts and revved engines. A gruff voice boomed, "Alright hotshots, ten minutes to next race!" It was Marko, the club leader. He recognized me, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "Nouman, ready to dust some tail?"

I nodded , "Always, Marko."

Sliding into my beat-up but trusty Mazda, I strapped myself in, the familiar feel calming my nerves. A sleek, cherry red Mustang pulled up beside me. I glanced over, ready to size up the competition, and my jaw nearly hit the floor.


There she was, helmet tucked under her arm, hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her eyes, usually soft brown, held a fierce glint I hadn't seen before. Shock gave way to amusement as she mirrored my expression. Then, a slow smile spread across her face.

"Nouman? You race here?"

I stammered, "Kinza? What... what are you doing here?"

"What are YOU doing here?" she countered, a playful challenge in her voice. "Same reason, I guess. And let me warn you, I don't lose."

A spark ignited in my chest, a mix of surprise and a strange kind of amusement. The girl I knew, who liked long walks, was gone. In her place stood a competitor, someone who craved the same rush I did.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," I declared, returning her smirk . This race just got a whole lot more interesting.

The starting flag dropped. We were off like rockets, tires screaming on the asphalt. Kinza was a natural, weaving through turns with impressive precision. I pushed my car to the limit, matching her turn for turn. The crowd roared as we battled for the lead.

Inch by agonizing inch, I pulled ahead. But Kinza wouldn't give up. She drafted behind me, using my car to cut through the air resistance. Just as I thought I had it, she surged forward, pulling neck and neck. We crossed the finish line in a dead heat.

The crowd erupted, the cheers deafening. My head spun, a mix of exhilaration and disbelief. I climbed out, shaking, breathless. Kinza was already out, a grin splitting her face. There was a new respect shining in her eyes.

"That," she said, voice hoarse, "was the best race I've ever had."

"Me too," I managed, still buzzing from the adrenaline rush.

Maybe Kinza wasn't the fragile girl I thought she was. Maybe this hidden side, this thrill-seeker, was the real Kinza. And that, I had to admit, was pretty damn impressive.


Kinza - The Dark Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora