8. Sleep well

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Alastor picked you up. Your legs and arms wrap around his body for support. One of his arms was around your back and the other was messing with your hair. He set you down into the passenger seat.

"Don't be scared to fall asleep, ill carry you in okay?"

You nodded softly as he shut the door. It felt like forever but he walked to the drivers side. He started the car.

"are you ready?"


He started driving and humming again. A slight smile tugged on your face. When Alastor was at a stop. you moved your hand and tried to find his hand. You held one to one of his hands.

"aww you want to be close to me."

You smiled and giggled.


He slowly moved his hand so both are on the wheel. You end up falling asleep. Alastor takes a sharp turn and rolls over a bump. You groaned in your sleep being a bit annoyed. He got out of the car and opened your door. He gently picked you up bridal style. you hand grips onto his sleeve.

"Help...uhm.. al? I'm falling down."

Alastor giggled and unlocked his door.

" You're okay dear...a few more seconds."

"mh- mhmm.."

Alastor puts you on his loveseat. You hear him moving things around.


He continued to look until he found some aspirin, a glass of cool water, and a washcloth. He wets it and walks over to you to gently wipe your makeup off.

" Yes dear?"

You were quiet trying to think about what you were going to say. He continued to wipe the makeup. After he took his coat and your shoes off of you. He set your shoes aside and put the medication and water on the table.

"Thank you.."

"of course... Do you want me to grab some of my pajamas for you to use."


"Okay but don't fall asleep on me."

He walked into his room and grabbed a soft red pajama set. He walked back out and handed them to you.

"I have to go and change into pajamas too, so i'm going into my room, go ahead and change here or the bathroom down the hall to the left. Whatever you're more comfortable with."

He walked into his bedroom as you changed into his pajamas in the living room. You already started feeling sick from the night you just had so you lay back down. He waited a bit longer than normal time so you had more time to change. He opened his door and yelled softly, almost whisper yelling.

"are you finished?"

"Yes and thank you again."

He walked out.

"No problem. if you need or want anything just ask. I'm probably going to turn on my radio and head to bed."

you sat up and opened your eyes. He stared heading to his room.

"wait...can I lay down with you and listen too?"

he froze his tracks and turn back around to face you again.

" if you want to I don't mind."

before you knew it he swiftly picked you up and it made you chuckle Softly.

" you really like holding me like a baby don't you?"

" maybe I do, maybe I don't. either way it doesn't matter because I know you enjoy it."

" aw man you got me on that one."

after about 10 steps he plopped you down lately on his bed and lay next to you being respectful by giving room between both of you guys.

however right when he laid down he remembered that he should probably go grab the medicine and the water if you plan to fall asleep in his bed. so that's exactly what he did, he grabbed the medicine in the water came back in his room and put it on a table next to them.

finally he turned on His Radio at a medium quiet volume to play some relaxing jazz music. the static sensation filled the room. it went silent to comforting within a minute. he laid back in bed next to you again. He turned ver and looked over at you.

"Are you feeling okay?"


"Okay good. Get some sleep and tomorrow I'll take you home. I wonder what your parents will say."

"Oh um I didn't think about that."

He chuckled.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out."

You moved closer to him. He looked confused but moved away. You tried to get closer but he shooted more.

" Hey... I like you.. I really do but you aren't in the best mindset right now, you're intoxicated. I know you don't mean anything um...well you know by scooting closer but still, I think it's best if there is some room between us."

You listened to his given reasons and scooted back to where you were, and he did the same. you sighed soft and looked at him understanding him but still a little annoyed. you rolled over and pouted. He raised an eyebrow and noticed your behavior.

" Heyyyyyy don't be like thattttt." he added playfully.

you rolled back and looked at him with a pout and rolled back over.


"girl...I swear."

"nuh uh."

"what does that even mean?"

"nuh uh"


"nuh uh."

"Oh my goodness."

"nuh uh"

" don't make me do something about this.."

"nuh uh"

"alright fine."

He grabbed you by your shoulders and turned you around, He started tickling you hoping you were actually ticklish. you let out a really loud grunt and laugher after.


"Like you said dear, nuh uh."


"nuh uh, I stop when you want to go to sleep."


"Are you.. sure?"

At this point both of your guys laughter filled the room.


"Okay okay.."

He stopped and layed you back in your spot.


"thank you"

"y/n... goodnight, I had a lot more fun than I usually do."

"I did too... goodnight Al.."

The silence was loud after your guys warm hearted and playful encounter. over time you fell asleep. He just laid on his back and looked at the ceiling. Eventually, he fell asleep listening to a man talking about the red scare.

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