Catnap x Bobby Bearhug reader (Pt. 3)

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Requested by buttmens

It had been hours since you met the other smiling critters, it was fun but you don't remember anything prior to meeting catnap. You just shrugged it off though, you probably forgot for a reason. You were with your family now, and that was really all that matters.

You soon took notice of a red string that was connected to your promise finger. You'd never noticed it before, its like it just kind of showed up. You shrugged and grabbed Catnaps hand with a smile. He returned the gesture almost immediately. The two of you were helping picky cook food for a picnic that all the smiling critters had agreed on.

After making the food and packing it up, the three of you met with the rest of the smiling critters in the main part of playcare for the picnic.

During the picnic, the rest of the smiling critters realized how clingy you were being with catnap. They didn't want to draw attention to it though because they thought it was cute.

After the picnic, you and catnap decided to take a walk around playcare. Dogday suggested that it would be a good way to get some exercise and catnap agreed, so you and catnap were walking around playcare hand-in-hand.

Dogday let out a sigh of relief as you and catnap walked away. 'So.. Are they like. You know.. Together?' Hoppy asked curiously. Dogday let out a small shrug, 'Maybe, but I thought they weren't. I mean they didn't seem that close earlier.' Bubba stated.

Dogday sighed softly, 'Well if they are, we're their friends. It's our job to support them.' Kicken nodded, 'I do kinda ship it.' Hoppy giggled. Picky looked at Dogday, 'Does that mean I can make their food when they go on dates?!' She asked with a huge smile.

'Yeah, I suppose.' Dogday responded, making Picky even happier. Crafty handed Picky a drawing she made of Catnap and Bobby. 'And I'll draw for your setup if that's fine..' Picky looked at the drawing. 'OF COURSE YOU CAN!' she yelled in excitement.


You glanced at catnap and sighed lovingly, you loved him so much. You blushed at the thought. Loved? You love him? You smiled faintly, yeah you love him.

You hugged his arm and smiled. He let out a slight chuckle, 'Catnap?' You asked. 'Yeah?' He responded, glancing down at you. You smiled and hugged him tightly, 'I-I love you.'

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 30 ⏰

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