Catnap x Insomniac teen reader

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Requested by vambie1

You glanced at the clock on your nightstand, 4:30. You sighed and sat up. You've been trying to fall asleep for hours, and catnaps gas wasn't helping. You stood up and snuck to the bathroom, then to the 'kitchen'. You got a glass and filled it with water.

You took a sip of the water and sat it down on the table. You let out a quiet sigh, this happens every night. You groaned quietly, taking another sip of your water. You poored the rest into the sink and snuck back to your room. Once you entered your room you noticed a figure in the corner.

You turned the light on, already knowing who it was. He was leaning on the wall with a sassy 'I told you so' expression on his forever smiling face. You sighed, and flopped into your bed. 'Yeah, you win.' You mumbled quietly. He walked over to the side of your bed and sat on the floor. 'Did you even try?' He asked.

You glared at him. 'Of course I tried!' He nodded slightly. 'Its 4 in the morning.' He stated, glancing at the clock and back to you. 'Catnap, seriously-' 'Yn, Its 4 in the morning. Kid, you need to either try harder or..' He paused for a second to think. 'Or what, Cat-Nip?' He glared at you slightly.

'Or I will make you.' 'Huh?' He smirked and stood up. 'I'll make you go to sleep.' He stated. 'The heck are you gonna do?' You asked. He closed his eyes and layed beside you, his smirk was still present as he cuddled you and started purring. You gasped and started petting him. 'Aww!' Your eyes started feeling your eyes getting heavy as you fell asleep, cuddling catnap.

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