dogday x mischevious child reader (Platonic)

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Requested by Connieisawsome

You were a troublesome kid, your parents couldn't handle it after a while so they put you up for adoption. It was the best choice they've ever made, in your opinion. You were sent to playcare.

You didn't really like the other kids or the mascots but one sticks out to you. His name is Dogday. Even after getting to know you he still tries to spend time with you. You didn't know what to think about it. It felt weird having someone being so nice to you after being ignored all your life.


Dogday was sitting at the crafting section, drawing. He looked really focused on his drawing, he didn't even notice you approaching him. You grabbed a crayon and threw it at him, hitting him in the nose. He sighed and looked at you. 'Yes Angel?' He asked, seeming unbothered.

'What are you doing?' You asked with an innocent smile. He chuckled, 'Drawing, you?' You shrugged. 'Planning things, y'know. The usual.' He raised an eyebrow. 'What kind of things?' You paused for a second. 'Innocent things..?'

'Whatever you say Angel.' He said with a slight chuckle. Was he laughing at you? You picked up another crayon and threw it at him, this time hitting him in the chest. He looked up at you. 'May I help you?' He asked. 'Yeah, by not laughing at me.' He's smile seemed to grow slightly. 'Why's that, Angel?' 'Because I said so, Dad.' He chuckled.

'Dad?' He asked with a surprised voice. 'I don't have to answer to you.' You responded with a dramatic sigh. His eyes softend, his smile growing more genuine. 'Whatever you say, kid.' You looked around and noticed kicken not doing anything, you grinned.

'Wanna prank kicken?' You asked Dogday. He glanced at you then to kicken and sighed before standing up. 'Sure, Angel.'

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