~ The Hidden Kingdom: Chapter Thirteen ~

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Hare hadn't stopped to take a single break. She was exhausted but forced herself to keep going. She only paused when she reached the border between the Mud Kingdom and the rainforest, and it wasn't for every long. She only stopped long enough to give her wings some time to regain their energy.

Hare didn't take flight again. She didn't want to wait for a border patrol, she had to get to her friends as quickly as possible. She walked right over the border and into the rainforest. She barely got a few steps into the kingdom before something went off. She didn't have a moment to think before she was hoisted up into the air. Hare let out a yelp.

"Help!" she yelled. "It's me, it's Hare!"

Hare wriggled around. She was trapped in some kind of net, woven from vines and flexible branches. Her claws kept getting caught in the holes, making her even more uncomfortable. "Hello? Help! Glory? Sunny? Tsunami? Clay? It's me, Hare!"

Three dragons emerged from thin air. Six eyes of RainWings looked up at her.

"You think it's really her?" one grumbled.

"I haven't heard of any other hybrids coming into this rainforest," another replied.

"It's definitely her," the third said. "I've seen her before." The shades of green on her scales changed to light blue and purple. "Hi Hare, remember me?"

Hare shifted the best she could in the net. "Hi Sublime. Can you help?"

Sublime flapped up to the net and grabbed the part that was connected to the branches. "Be ready." With that, Sublime sliced the net away from the tree. Hare crashed to the ground hard. She let out a yelp of pain.

Sublime flew down to the forest floor. "Freyr, you stay here. Amazon and I will bring Hare to the queen."

A RainWing who was painted in shades of gold and brown nodded. A dark brown RainWing took off with Hare and Sublime, Hare assumed that this was Amazon.

"The queen's been panicking ever since you two went missing," Sublime said. "You and that NightWing."

"Really?" Hare said.

"Yeah," Sublime replied. "She's been working us to the stub of our tails trying to find you. Search parties every chance she got. The moment one returned, another was sent out. She'll be so relieved to find out you're back." She glanced around. "But… what about the NightWing?"

"I'll explain everything when I get to Glory," Hare answered.

Sublime just simply nodded. Hare looked at Amazon. He looked awfully grumpy. Hare shuddered and decided not to try talking to him. She'd dealt with enough grumpy dragons in the NightWing kingdom.

Sublime led the way to the queen's treehouse. Two dragons stood outside, dragons Hare knew.

"About time you returned," Liana scoffed when she saw Hare. "Queen Glory has been worried out of her mind."

"Who is it?" Glory called from inside the treehouse.

"One of your missing friends," Jambu called back. He signaled for Hare to go inside. Hare nodded and went in. She blinked in surprise when she entered. Starflight and Fatespeaker were there, too.


"Hey Hare," Starflight said, giving a small wave. "Come, sit with us."

The two NightWings were crowded in front of Glory. Hare made her way over and sat beside them. She shifted nervously from talon-to-talon. "So... I assume you already know everything?"

"Actually, not yet," Glory admitted. "We're waiting for the others to arrive." A smile made its way onto Glory's mouth. "I'm so happy you're back."

Hare smiled. "I'm glad to be back. I missed you guys." She looked at Starflight. "How did you escape?"

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