~ The Hidden Kingdom: Chapter Ten ~

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Hare woke up before anyone else.

Well, almost anyone else.

Flame's sleeping spot was empty. Hare felt her head spin. I need to stop him.

Hare hopped out of her bed and hurried to the doorway. She ran where her talons brought her and rushed down a hallway and sharply turned the corner. Hare soon came to a long staircase. They went down for what felt like forever, Hare nearly fell down them several times. She knew, though, that she couldn't slow her pace no matter how much she wished to. She had to find Flame, and something was telling her he was down here. Maybe it was her gut, maybe it was Oasis. She didn't know.

When she finally reached the bottom, she nearly crashed into someone emerging from one of the tunnels.

"Flame!" Hare cried.

"Hare," Flame hissed. "What are you doing down here?"

"I need to talk to you," she replied quietly.

Flame raised a brow. "Then speak."

"Come with me." Hare led him down a different tunnel.

This isn't a good idea. I should bring him back up. He could kill me down here. She glanced over her shoulder at Flame. But why let everyone know when he still has a chance to be saved?

The tunnel led to a wide cave, which was uncomfortably hot. Hare assumed they were right in the center of the volcano.

The hybrid turned to face Flame. His eyes narrowed suspiciously. "So?"

"It's about the Place of Lost Souls," Hare blurted.

Flame sat down and curled his tail over his talons. So he has no intention of killing me right now. Good. "I know."

Hare blinked. "You know?"

It began to make sense. The whole time, Flame knew that Hare knew. That was why he was so hostile. He knew she was wandering around the Place of Lost Souls unwelcome.

"Of course." The SkyWing yawned. "So, trespasser? What is this about?"

Hare hesitated. "Do you know what they're planning?"

"Why wouldn't I? I'm a trainee."

Hare felt chills despite the intense heat. So he knew, and was clearly willing to go along with it. "So you know they're going to kill us all?" Hare pressed. "And you're okay with that?"

Flame blinked. It looked like this was news to him, but his shock was quickly replaced by a neutral expression. "You're exaggerating. They're only going to kill those who get in our way."

"No, Flame," Hare said. "That's not what they said. I was at the meeting. They want to kill everyone, they'll only let the strongest live."

Flame hissed. "Eavesdropping, I assume? How do I know you're not making this up?"

"I wouldn't lie about something this serious," Hare insisted.

Flame flicked his tail. "Well you're wrong, Hare. They're simply going to make the kingdoms stronger and better. Our continent is weak, it's no way to live. All they're going to do is make it better. You'll see."

Despite his words, Hare could see uncertainty wavering in his gaze. Perhaps she was getting through to him.

"They're going to ruin everything," Hare protested.

Flame eyed her. "I thought the daughter of Burn would want a strong continent."

"I don't want dragons to die!" Hare cried.

"Only dragons who intervene will die," Flame said.

Hare grabbed Flame and pulled him closer. "Flame, they're going to kill us all. I mean all, and you're part of this plan. They're going to use every dragon they can to carry this plan out. They're turning dragons on their tribes and creating traitors. Surely you must have noticed the SeaWing princess there?" Hare locked eyes with the SkyWing. "Do you really think dragons like Albatross and Black Widow just want to make the continent stronger? Look at what they did in their lives. They aren't in the Place of Lost Souls for no reason; they're heartless, Flame. They're murderers. They'll do whatever it takes to get their way. They believe every living dragon has wronged them, and they're coming back to get revenge. Does that sound like strength to you?"

Flame looked away uncertainly. "I don't…"

Hare kept a grip on him. "Everyone you know is going to die. They're going to kill your family, your friends, anyone you know. They're going to kill as many SkyWings as they deem necessary. Do you really want to be a part of that?"

After a few moments, Flame met her eyes again. He looked scared. "I can't leave," he choked out. "Storm keeps bringing me back, and if I tell him I want to leave he'll kill me. If I die there, I stay there. I don't want to spend the rest of eternity in that place, going there every night is already bad enough."

Hare paused a moment before speaking again. "We'll find you a protector, like the one I have."

Right? We can do that, can't we?

I don't know, Hare.

Please? He really needs it. There's hope to stop him, but he needs help.

I'll see what I can do.

"You have a protector?" Flame asked.

Hare gave a small smile. "Yeah, my grandmother. She's protected me from any harm the Place of Lost Souls could bring me. Apparently I'm far too important to die."

Flame pulled away from Hare and backed away. "I'll have to go back tonight. You better hope Storm doesn't know about this or I'll be dead."

"Oasis will do what she can," Hare promised.

Flame turned away. "Right. We should go."

Without waiting for another word, Flame went back down the tunnel. Hare hesitated. Had she done enough?

"Flame?" she called. The SkyWing stopped and looked at her. "I really am serious. You need to stop going there before you're turned into a tool for murder."

Flame just grunted, then continued walking down the tunnel. Hare waited a little longer before trailing after him.

Wings of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom | ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum