15 - The Newcomer

Start from the beginning

"I've known Rita, Jung Kook, Hoseok and Jimin for years. I haven't really met the others, but I know of them.

I never felt the need to go into hiding, but I had a close call last week with some of the Wests Assassins, so I contacted Rita and she managed to get me set up pretty quickly here. I just need to make the best of it..." 

I could tell Jisung really felt pushed into doing this, like he had no choice. Something we have in common, I guess.

"What are your interests?" I questioned, hoping I could find more commonalities.

"Uh.. I like to sing. 

I just have to be careful with my pitch... Oh! Watch out!" Jisung suddenly jumps to his feet, catching one of the photos frames as it fell off the wall, narrowly missing my head.

He was stood leaning over me, invading my space, but for good reason.

It felt like he was a knight who just saved me from my demise. 

I looked up and gave him a wide eyed look, and he just gave me a shy smile as he moved away from me.

"Sorry, it's my sixth sense." He shrugged, then placed the frame on the table. The weight of the frame was just a tad too heavy for the nail. It must have just been waiting to fall.

"That's amazing." I gushed in awe of his supersonic gifts.

"It's nothing. What's Taehyung like?" Jisung then randomly asks.

"Uh.. He's nice.. He plays the piano." I smiled at him, adapting to his sudden question, trying to not look too caught off guard.

Taehyung then suddenly walked through the door, and as I noticed him, I turned to Jisung with my jaw to the floor in shock.

"How did you..?" I gasped, and he smirked at me, getting up from his seat to say hello.

"Oh, hello Jisung. Jimin told me you were coming." Taehyung smiled as he shook his hand, then gave me a smile as he noticed me sat down.

"Want to go to the music room?" Taehyung offers, and Jisungs face lights up.

Having another musically gifted Warden living here will really brighten up the place.

Jisung takes my arm and guides me into the room behind Taehyung.

He sits me down and then takes a seat next to Taehyung at the piano.

Are they playing a song for me?

"Do you know The Sprig of Thyme?" Jisung asks Taehyung, and he begins playing the melody on the piano, answering Jisungs question without words.

Jisung then jumps in, pressing some keys to broaden the intro. They were playing together like it's something they've always done. It was a spectacle.

"Wow!" I gasp. This is incredible.

The tune sounded melancholy, and it instantly gave me goosebumps.

Jisung then began to sing.

"Come all you fair and tender girls..

That flourish in your prime,
Beware, beware
Keep your garden fair,
Let no man steal your thyme.
Let no man steal your thyme.

For when your thyme it is past and gone
He'll care no more for you,
And every place where your thyme was waste
Will all spread o'er with rue.
Will all spread o'er with rue.

The gardener's son was standing by
Three flowers he gave to me,
The pink, the blue and the lilac true
And the red, red rosy tree.
And the red, red rosy tree.

But I refused the red rose bush,
And gained the willow tree.
That all the world may plainly see
How my love slighted me.
How my love slighted me...."

I stared back at Jisung and Taehyung.

I couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes. I felt so overwhelmed.

"Y/N.." Jisung soothed.

"You must be careful." He then frowned, and Taehyung nodded subtly.

Jisung doesn't know me, but he can see the torment within me. 

It sounds trivial, which would be the case if I were human.. But I'm more than that. The dangers and evil that surrounds me is so much more than that. It could be detrimental if things go badly.

I wiped my tears and nodded to him, and he got up from his seat to give me a hug.

"Thank you Jisung." I mumbled into his shoulder.

Knowing I have so many people around me who are rooting for me really helps. I just need to not let them down.


For anyone interested in the song. (I think the lyrics resonate with Y/N pretty well.)

Details from 'oldtimemusic.com'

"Let No Man Steal Your Thyme" is a traditional Anglo-Irish folk-song, which was first documented in 1689. It is also known by various other names such as "The Sprig of Thyme," "The Seeds of Love," "Maiden's Lament," "Garners Gay," or "Rue." Over the years, it has been passed down through generations and has been performed by numerous artists.

The song warns young women to be cautious and protect themselves against men who may try to take advantage of them. The lyrics serve as a reminder to all fair and tender girls to keep their gardens, or their hearts, pure and untouched, so that they do not become victims of deceit or heartbreak.

"Beware, beware, keep your garden fair, let no man steal your thyme" emphasizes the importance of self-preservation and not allowing anyone to take advantage of one's affections. The line "for when your time is past and gone, he'll care no more for you" suggests that once a woman's youth and beauty fade away, the man who once sought her will no longer value or care for her.

The song also draws a comparison between a woman and a branchy tree, while painting men as clinging vines taking what they can find. This metaphor speaks to the vulnerability and disposability that women often experience in relationships, as men may move on to the next available option once they have taken what they desire.

The haunting melody and poetic lyrics of "Let No Man Steal Your Thyme" make it a captivating and memorable folk song. Its timeless message serves as a reminder to both young women and men to be wary of hidden intentions and to protect themselves from potential heartache.

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