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The thirteen years of Pandavas exile happened in a blink of an eye. Kurus under Prince Suyodhana tried to make things difficult for Magadha, threatening our trade deals and neighbouring kingdoms. But, a letter asking them if they are inviting me to war has put paid to their attempts. While the Pandavas had been gathering their strength and improving their skills, the Kauravas didn't stay idle. They too began making alliances. While Bheema was becoming a terrifying warrior, Duryodhana was honing his unparalleled Mace fighting skills. Arjuna has pleased Lord Shiva with his penance and was granted Paashupatastra and then went to Devaloka with his father Indra to gain various weaponry from the gods just as I did after I completed my education decades ago. At the behest of Devraj, the middle Pandava was provided with great many celestial weapons in the twelve years of Vanvaas. He was also cursed to become a eunuch for an year, which he used as disguise in the year of Agnaathavaas as Brihannala, the dance teacher of Matsya princess Uttara. During the last months of Agnaathavaas, Bheema killed commander of the Matsya army Keechaka for misbehaving with Draupadi.

After the death of Keechaka, sensing an opportunity and guessing that Pandavas are in the court of King Virata, Kuru army attacked the Matsya Kingdom. As it was the last day of Agnaathavaas and Pandavas can't be found, Arjuna in his brihannala disguise used Illusions and hypnotic arrows (sammohanastra) to make the mighty kuru army unconscious and steel their clothes.

After the thirteen years of exile, Pandavas demanded their kingdom back and Whatever you say about the Kauravas, their administration was excellent and whole Kuru empire developed a lot and people were happy with king Suyodhana's rule, so, naturally the demand was rejected by king Duryodhana and the kauravas, as they had worked hard to develop the kingdom and didn't want to lose it. Though the Pandavas claimed they will fight to avenge the humiliation of Draupadi forgetting that they were also main culprits in that event. They agreed to the conciliation if they get their kingdom back. Truly, I didn't understand how getting back their kingdom is any way of avenging Paanchali's insult. It felt as if an excuse to show them as ethical warriors I suppose. Even in Dwapara yuga, Public Relations stunts to the extreme.

Both the Kauravas and the Pandavas began gathering their armies and calling upon their allies. I didn't want Magadha to involve in this war, because you have Pandavas on one side seemingly righteous and Dharmavaan according to propaganda, with Lord Sri Krishna supporting their cause. Then you have the Kauravas on the other side, seemingly adharmis and the representatives of Demons and Rakshasas. But if you look past propaganda, you can see that the adharmis have been fair rulers, who the public adores as the capable kings and the Dharmaatma Devputras are the same men who gambled away the people, brothers and even wife forgetting the duties as king, brother and husband. In the same vein, the Pandavas want to accept peace for only five villages, while the Kauravas didn't even want to entertain the thought of giving even a needle point of land.

Both sides have their good points and bad ones. The victor will decide the other as the unrighteous and will blame everything on the losing side, while they will be paraded as the God's chosen. In my opinion, whoever wins the war, both factions are equally responsible for this bloodbath. Soon, both representatives of two factions came to Magadha at approximately same time to ask for support. It was Prince Vikarna from the Kauravas and Prince Nakula from the Pandavas. I met them both and asked them, " O Princes! You both came here to ask me for support in the coming war. Why should I do so? "

At this Prince Nakula said, " O Magadha Naresh! You had called our wife Draupadi, your sister. What kind of brother will not help ain avenging his sister? That is why I came here to ask your support in war on the side of Pandavas. "

I turned to Prince Vikarna, who responded, " O Magadha raj! You have no obligation to support us. They say you never send back anyone empty handed. You were the second in command of Hastinapur's army. You learned warfare from Rajguru Kripacharya and worked along side Bheeshma pitamaha. It was Rajguru and Pitamaha, who stopped king Duryodhana when he tried to create war between us. They didn't want to fight you, as you were like a son to them. Now, I am not asking you to support us. But, please don't fight against Mahaamahim. He despairs everyday having to fight Pandavas, Don't make him fight you too. "

You both have spoken the truth. Let me ask you something, " You asked what kind of brother doesn't help in avenging his sister. I say the brother who can avenge her himself. I don't need to support you, if my sister wished I alone would have slain all those responsible for her humiliation on that day including you and your brothers, Prince Nakula and you, Prince Vikarna, you say that mahaamahim Bheeshma and Rajguru Kripacharya urged for peace, when I threatened war because I was like a son to them. I say, you are wrong, Prince Vikarna, they urged for peace because I would have razed Hastinapur to ground, if there was a war. If truly Mahaamahim were such soft hearted he wouldn't have stolen Kashi princesses for his brother nor your mother Queen Gandhari, for his blond nephew. Why do you think this war is happening? This war is not between Pandavas and Kauravas Or dharma and adharma as every one believes. This war is between the might of ruthless Bheeshma and the cunning of vengeful Shakuni. Whatever the outcome of this war is, the result has been decided long before. Whichever side wins, be it the Pandava army Or the Kaurava army, Mighty Mahaamahim loses his grandchildren and Sly Son of Subala satisfies his vengeance. "

The two princes were stupified by my words and before they can recover, I continued, " And O Princes! I don't care if the Pandavas win or the Kauravas win, nothing changes for me. You both are same. Your laws will be same, only difference is the name of the king. My priority is to my family and my kingdom. What should I answer to families of my soldiers, if I send them to their deaths to get you the throne. What will my people get sacrificing their lives for people they don't know and don't care. So, listen well, Princes, because I will only say this once, Magadha stays neutral. No soldier of Magadha will fight on this accursed war. "

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