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Chapter Text

By the time I reached Kampilya, Many kings were already there and several others were still coming from all the corners to win or even get a glimpse of the renowned dusky beauty said to be equal to the foremost celestial beauties in her grace and curves.

It was two days after after my arrival, that all the invited kings and princes were in attendance and the revelry began and continued for 14days.In this time, I have met and discussed trade deals with many kingdoms as far to the South as Lanka. I particularly favoured the Southern Kingdoms with coast on the east because, it would be easier to transport the goods between our kingdoms via sea. I am proud to say that I have multiplied the Naval trade of Magadha by several times. All in all, this Swayamvara has been a profit to me.

It was on the 15th day that the reverly and festivities ended and all the Royals were asked to gather in the Arena, where the task of Swayamvara is going to be unveiled and the instructions will be provided by the fire born Prince Dhristadhyumna. All the Royals were seated around the arena, when King Drupad stood up and welcomed all the kings ands princes with appropriate greetings and called upon his son, the fire born Prince to give the details of the task.

Prince Drishtadhyumna then addressed the crowd, "O Great Kings and Princes of the Bharatavarsha! My father wished my sister's husband to be the greatest archer among the mortals and had chosen a contest of Archery as the task of this Swayamvara. A contest, so difficult that only those who has unparalleled belief in their skill can win. You can see the mighty Kindhura bow before you, it's string is steel and the great bow will not accept any other. You will be provided with five arrows, O mighty warriors, you have to string the bow and shoot the five arrows at the golden target through the hole affixed in the machine above and make it fall. To make this task more difficult, o assembled kings, there is a stipulation that you should not aim the target directly looking at but by looking its image in the pool. Hear this, O worthy kings! To test your skill and focus, the target doesn't stay stationary rather it moves in certain pattern. One has to accomplish the task and be chosen by sister Princess Draupadi, to win her hand. "

Most of the warriors who tried have failed. Many couldn't even lift the bow and were laughed at. Many others lifted the bow but failed in stringing some even by width finger space, black gram, green gram and sesame seed. They were looked at with a grudging respect. Of the second category were the warriors like Prince Suyodhana, King Shalya. King Ashwatthama denied participating saying he is a lifetime Brahmachary. I too denied saying that I am already married and that I came to here to inform my decision in person rather than rejecting it as a sign of respect, leaving that I came here to meet other kings for alliances unsaid, no one needs to know that. Some arrogant kings laughed saying that I am making excuses to avoid humiliation as it is accepted that kings have to marry multiple wives to secure the succession. Some even said that this is to be expected from a king who lost most of the empire he won in less than two years for some measly wealth. I merely responded that words are wind and I am the one who defeated the immortal Jaraasandh and that my kingdom is the wealthiest in the Bharatavarsha even surpassing Dwaraka, which is said to be a heaven on earth. Nobody could contest with my words. King Drupad acknowledged my words calmly and thanked me for informing my decision in person saying that he is honored by my gesture.

Soon, all the assembled warriors have tried other than the few who opted out and none could accomplish the task. Seeing this, King Drupad began lamenting and insulted the all the attending Royals and the their teachers saying that this generation of kings have become incapable and what their teachers were doing if none could accomplish the task. I know this act is to motivate Arjuna to come forward, but still hearing such words made my blood boil. Who the hell is this spineless fool calling me incompetent, when he couldn't avenge himself and begged the gods to provide a son who would do it for him. He is like those fathers, who unable to achieve anything pressure their children to live vicariously through them. To those parents, children are the tools to use just like this waste of space. He prayed for a son and when he also got a daughter he cursed her, but when he thought of a use to bind Arjuna him, he shamelessly jumped at the chance. But, I calmed my myself because it is fate tempting me to pull me into the future bloodbath. I can see Lord Sri Krishna smiling in amusement at those words of Drupad, as if he were waiting for someone to take the bait. Someone did take the bait, Prince Suyodhana filled with righteous anger stood up and called out the king, "O King of Kampilya! What travesty is this? Did you invite us here to just insult and humiliate us? If you wanted an archer as your son in law, you should have said so in the invitation itself. Otherwise, you should have a task for all the warriors not just archers. Now, what will you do, king Drupad, you have insulted all the royals of the entire Bharatavarsha and nobody could complete the impossible task you set up. Your daughter will be unwed and will stay that way, we will not forget your insult. " Saying so, Prince Suyodhana made to leave with his entourage. Hearing this, King Drupad despaired and his face had taken the complexion of a burnt potato.

Lord Sri Krishna, with his ever present serene smile, stood up and addressed the capricious kings who were in agreement with Prince Suyodhana and were about to follow him, "O Prince Suyodhana! It is the decision of the father to he who would give his daughter, you can't fault him for wanting his daughter's husband to be a great archer and just because the assembled kings failed the task doesn't make it impossible. I could have done the task if I didn't consider the princess a sister and my friend. Even Magadha Raj could accomplish the deed, if he had wished. Just because the Kshatriyas failed doesn't mean others couldn't succeed. King Drupad, Open the competition to the Brahmanas in the arena. I am sure that one can win your daughter's hand today. "

Hearing this words, princess Draupadi who had recognized Arjuna in brahmana disguise felt shy and Prince Arjuna, who was busy making eyes at Panvhali, was elated. Prince Dhristadhyumna called for brahmanas who were willing to try and Prince Arjuna skipped to the platform where the bow is kept. Seeing this the attending kings got interested in the humiliation of this beggar, but alas, their expectations were upended as the young man with the mighty arms and skin as black as coal easily lifted the bow and stringed it. With unwavering focus in his beautiful eyes and great skill he took the five arrows, aimed at the target using the pool below and shot the arrows. The released arrows flew as if cutting the wind through the hole and pierced the golden target making it fall in the pool. Flowers fell from the machine on to the young warrior signifying his victory and Princess Krishna with her fluttering heart garlanded the winner.

The viewing kings felt as if they were slighted that this unnamed beggar has done what they couldn't and attacked the new couple. But Prince Bheema who was also in brahmana disguise tore a wooden pillar and threw it on the incoming kings. Prince Arjuna using the Kindura bow, and with help of his brother Bheema defeated the kings and took Yagnaseni to their home in the forest.

After seeing all this drama, I felt that the epic didn't need Karna's humiliation to end in war. What has to happen, will happen. Fate ensures it, but we can change how much it affects us and I have no intention of meeting the same fate of Karna in the epic.

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