She still needed a lot of courage to resist him.

"Good night. Need your cuddling toy?" He asked as an ironic glint appeared in his eyes.

Unaiza inhaled a sharp breath. "No, I'll be fine."

He moved his knuckles over her right cheek. "If you need that, just ask me. I'll be better than those lifeless toys."

She knew she would be matching a tomato by now and she was glad that Huzaifa had turned off the light as he couldn't see her now.

That was just so dramatic.


Perhaps it was the effect of the new place, the absence of her stuffed doll, and all the nerves because of her wedding that Unaiza wasn't able to sleep at all. She many times resisted her urge to grab it from the couch where Huzaifa had dropped it. That was such a weird habit of hers. Moving her head in the other direction, her eyes locked on her sleeping husband. He looked breathtaking even while this while. Gorgeous, handsome, and elegant. What were the words by which she could describe this man lying beside her?

The duvet was placed on his waist and his chest was on full show. Unaiza shamelessly started gawking at him. Her stare flew from his abs, and sculptured stomach to his broad, chiseled chest, arms, and then finally his handsome face. His eyes were closed and his forehead looked wide. His nose was straight and slightly crooked but that was what made him more breathtaking to look at. His arched jaw was dusk with the dark brown attractive beard and then his lips. Those alluring lips which were doing wonders on her skin a while ago. A small smile crept on her face reminiscing those moments.

A living dream.

Unaiza raised her hand and hesitantly moved it towards his chest. Before it could reach him, Huzaifa moved and then changed his side. She swallowed hard at this. She was getting weird. What if he had been awake and saw her checking him out and wanting to touch him like that after she had asked for some time from him? She would have come across as someone crazy in front of him.

Unaiza wore her glasses back and then left the bed. The watch on the front wall was giving a time of two in the night. She tiptoed her way towards the door in order not to wake up Huzaifa. Laying a final glance at him who was still sleeping, she walked out of the room. As she came out, she saw a gloomy light adorning the first floor where Huzaifa's bedroom was located. Thank God there was no one here. She silently stepped downstairs and then turned left to reach her own room.

Shutting the door firmly behind her, she rushed towards her en suite. She always had a separate drawer here in which she kept her diary and locked it afterward so that no one knew it. That was her secret and she never wanted anyone to see it. She didnt bring the diary to Huzaifa's room because she was afraid that he might see it. It was best if it stayed in her own room in this locker.

Unaiza removed the slim key from the inside of the cover of her phone and then inserted it into the lock. Moments later, the drawer fell apart, revealing her pink diary. Coming back to her study table, she settled on it as she opened her diary.

The dream come true feeling. I never felt this before. I thought I was going crazy in ecstasy. There was so much going on inside my head that I forgot how to read.

Huzaifa Tasfeen Malik became my husband. We said yes to each other.

I never thought that my dream would see its reality day like that. I always took care of my innocent dreams like me baby. A baby who was ill and needed to be taken care of. A baby who had no life ahead but didn't stop hoping for life. And now this baby miraculously saw life.

I didn't know what to feel. My happiness to finally become my crush was overpowering every other thing. But every time I remember that he married me to fulfill his desire to frustrate Tashfeen Papa, I feel sad.

Allah, I didn't know what to do.

She sighed as many yawns made their way towards her which she tried hard to stop. Perhaps her perfect companion; her dear diary made her feel lightheaded and light-hearted from every agonizing feeling and her sleep cycle had activated. She closed the diary and put it back into its place. 

She then shortly reached back to Huzaifa's bedroom and placed her hand over her heart to find him still sleeping. Unaiza removed the hair catcher from her head and decided to lay back down beside him. She was always used to sleeping with open and free hair as tied hair caused her headaches.

But before we could even move, Huzaifa's phone rang. She attempted a glance at him before walking over to his side of the bed. Unaiza wanted to decline the call so Huzaifa's sleep wouldn't be affected because of the ringing but what she saw on the screen made her still.

There was a message from an unknown number and now the same number was calling him.

"Baby, take the call. It's Inaya."

Her heart plummeted into a deep void at this information.

Huzaifa loved Inaya and she was the woman he would marry any day.


AssalamoAlaikum/ Hi guys!

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A new chapter for you. 💘

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