Chapter 40: Camelot

Start from the beginning

    Magic. The reason why my family was hated by those who practiced it. Uther had decreed that such practices were banned on the penalty of death. He claimed he thought of himself as a fair and just king because of when he had came to Camelot this kingdom had been in chaos because of magic. The people and him had apparently driven out magic from the realm.

    My father didn't change the law even when he became king. It had been painful for him because he had lost his father due to magic. I understood. But unlike my father and grandfather, I shared different beliefs. I knew magic was used for evil, but I had hopes that it was also used for good. Magic isn't good or evil. It's how the person wields it that matters.

     Looking around this place, everything was so vibrant. The trees swayed in the cool wind. The flowers blossomed. The grass was green, neon of it dead. The sun shone bright, lighting the way to wherever it was I was heading. Everything seemed beautiful. But nothing reminded me of the beauty of Neverland. The way the entire island was made up of trees creating a jungle. The beach that I hadn't really spent much time at. The smell of the ocean washing over you. The rushing of the waterfall at Dead Man's Peak behind the bushes of the deadly dream shade. There had to be so many other places on the island that I hadn't even seen. And now, I would never be able to. It's not like I could just go back and be welcomed with open arms. No. I'd be thrown in a cage for going back, or Peter might do something even more drastic.

     "You there! Halt!"

     I whipped around as the sound of horses racing right at me got closer and closer. I took a couple steps back as several of them rushed to a stop. The ranged from different colors: brown, white, gray, and black. Some of them had spots on them.

     Shaking my head, I turned my attention to the rider in front who got off his horse and took out his sword. He had shoulder-length, curly blond hair. His eyes looked to be almond brown. He was quite pale, but not as if he was close to death. He wore silver armor from head to toe, no helmet in side, a red cape surrounded him. As I stared closely, I automatically recognized him.

     "Leon?" I asked, just to make sure.

     Leon had been a knight of Camelot since Uther's reign and throughout my father's. He had even become a knight of the Round Table, along with several other knights that my father had trusted. As I recalled, my father had told me that he's the most loyal friend and knight you could ever have. I had even heard that he's an amazing fighter and a great leader. He had been part of my training sessions when my father was teaching me how to wield a sword. He was a sparring partner, always besting me, until I got older and had eventually learned to beat him. It felt like so long ago, which it was. He had stayed loyal to my family even when Morgana had become Queen both times. I honestly doubted he would a third time, but it had been three years. "Princess Ashlynn?" He asked, sounding and looking surprised, before putting away his sword. He walked over to me and pulled me into a bear hug which I returned. I let go and pulled away as the rest of the riders unmounted, shock written all over their faces.

     "Yes, I'm back."

     "Where have you been?"

     "I went somewhere safe, don't worry."

     "We went to the Enchanted Forest to retrieve you, but the woman, Belle, said you had not arrived. We feared you had been kidnapped by Morgana."

     "I'm sorry for worrying you all. It was not my intention. I was perfectly safe."

     "Why did you never return?"

     "I had heard that my aunt had taken over and had put out a reward for my capture. A pretty hefty reward apparently."

     "Morgana never took over, princess. We drove her army back. They retreated and had made their resting spot at Camlann. Your father launched an attack, but they were waiting for it. We almost didn't make it, but we managed to defeat your Morgana's army."

     "Where's my father? Is he back at the castle?" I asked, hopeful. Maybe Peter was wrong. My father had to be alive. That had to be the only solution! That was why they had gone searching for me in the Enchanted Forest. My dad told me he would send someone, and he did.

     "Princess," Leon said, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Your father is dead. He died in battle. I saw him facing off against Mordred. Mordred had the upper hand and stabbed your father; however, your father managed to get back up and drive his sword through Mordred in return. Your father took Mordred's life moments before he died."

     I pulled away from Leon's touch. My vision clouding over from tears that wanted to spill. I had desperately been hoping when he said Morgana didn't take the throne that my father was still alive. He had survived. But that hope I had felt evaporated. My throat felt clogged up as I fought to not cry in front of the knights in front of me. "Is his body back at the castle?"

     "No. I'm afraid once we defeated Morgana's army we couldn't find any trace of your father's body. It's possible that he was taken from the fight. Even Mordred was gone, and he had sustained the same wound as your father. Mordred had died when he collapsed. There is no chance that your father made it. I'm sorry."

     "If my father is dead, then why hasn't Morgana tried to take over?" I snapped.

     "The rest of the knights believe it's because she knows that you are the heir to your father's throne. The heir that went missing the night she launched an attack. We have received word from survivors of neighboring kingdoms saying she came searching for you. She's been searching for three years, princess."

     "Is Merlin back at the castle?"

     "Merlin disappeared the same day as your father. He hasn't come back. We don't know if Morgana got her hands on him or not, but he's gone."

     "Then who has been running the kingdom?" I shouted.

     "I took charge for the period of time you were missing. But now that you're back, you'll have to take over."

     "If the kingdom has flourished under your rule, it might be best if you keep that leadership until I'm older. I've been gone from the kingdom for so long. I fear that I've forgotten what is expected of me if I am to be Queen."

     "Of course, your highness. If that is what you wish. However, I will consult you in matters that you will have to deal with once you do become Queen."

     "Of course. My father wouldn't want it any other way." I smiled softly.

     "Are you ready to go home, your highness?" Another knight asked. One that I didn't recognize. But as long as he was loyal to my kingdom and Leon trusted him, I would be fine with him.

     "Yes. I'm ready to go home."

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