Chapter Twenty Three-Life

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This is the last chapter, it's coming to an end.

Oh no!!!! I loved writing this story.

Let me know what you think, ok?

Chapter Twenty Three-Life

(Amber's pov)

I could feel my body slowly waking up, taking in every new smell and noise in the room I was in. I didn't know where I was, I couldn't remember anything. A quick squeeze of my hand sent tremors through my body and I knew it was Johnathan that was holding my hand, so I knew I wasn't with Dom or my father. That seemed to click something in my memory.

The memories of my killing Dominick, of my wolf killing Nick, my half-brother and the memory of Dom murdering Hope. I felt tears stream down my face and I couldn't stop them, they just kept coming. Soon I felt arms left me up and place me on their lap as they rubbed their hands up and down my back and arms, trying to calm me down. I could tell by the sparks from the hands that I was now sitting in Johnathan's lap and his very presence calmed me down enough that I wasn't shedding any more tears.

"It'll be ok, my love," he whispered into the side of me neck. "I'm so sorry about Hope, but you know that she wouldn't want you to be unhappy. I'll be here to help you."

"Thank you," I mumbled back, sniffling and wiping my face. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "And you're right, she wouldn't want me to be upset, but what am I going to do without my little girl? She was my reason to live."

"I know she was, but you'll find a new one." He cupped my cheeks with his hands. "In fact, I already have a new hope for you."

"What do you mean?"

This time he grabbed one of my hands and gently placed it on my stomach and looked at me with one eyebrow raised, as if waiting for my response.

"The doctor told me a couple of days ago, while you were still asleep."

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "Am I pregnant?"

"Yes, my love."

He bent his head and kissed my stomach before whispering, "Hello, I'm your daddy. I hope you love me as much as I already love you."

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. I leaned back down onto the hospital bed and thought of how I am now finally free from my father and Dominick. I found my mate, or should I say my mate found me and I'm pregnant with the love of my life's child. My life is going to be perfect; it is only a shame that my first child couldn't be a part of this wonderful world.

* * *

"Can you please help me to the bathroom?" I asked Johnathan. "I really need a shower."

And I really did need a shower. I smelt so bad that I'm surprised that Johnathan hasn't run for cover yet. There'd be plenty of space considering how big the pack house is. The pack doctor wanted me to be as comfortable as possible, so both he and Johnathan moved me into the pack house, into the Alpha's quarters. Since Johnathan and I are now Alpha and Alpha female of the pack, we were more than happy to take the massive room.

"Yeah, sure," he quickly said. He jumped up from the chair he was previously sitting on and came over to help me climb out of the bed and assist me into that adjuring bathroom.

He sat me down of the edge of the bath and turned on the water of the shower, making sure it was nice and warm. He then came back over to me and gently pulled off the large T-shirt that I've been wearing for the past three days and my underwear. I was past from being embarrassed, seeing as how he's seen me naked and he was the one who had been dressing me while I was asleep in the hospital.

He walked me over to the shower and helped me in. I was still pretty weak, so I allowed him to undress and join me in the two-man shower. I let him wet my hair, rub shampoo in it and cover my body in body wash. I could get use to how clean I've now become.

Once we were finished getting clean, he lead me back into the room and continue to dress me in new tracksuit pants and a very loose fitting T-shirt that I'm pretty sure that belonged to Johnathan. I couldn't care less though; I loved the smell of his scent on me. It made me feel like I was wrapped up in his big strong and safe arms.

"Come on," he said. "Let's go and get some food for the two of you." I placed my hand over my stomach and imagined the life that was growing inside of me and smiled at the thought of my child inside me.

Johnathan took my hand in his and pulled me out of the room and led me down the stairs to the kitchen. Every wolf that we past bowed their heads to us in respect, but I could tell that quite a few of them paid extra respect towards me. Why, I have no idea.

"They respect you more because they realized how much pain you've suffered and they feel like they should've helped you somehow," explained Johnathan. "Even though they all thought you were dead or the past thirteen or so years, they can't help but feel sorry for themselves."

"Well, that's just stupid," I muttered to myself.

At least they care, whispered my wolf.

That's true, I answered back. Can't run a pack if they don't care about you.

We when arrived at the kitchen, Johnathan set me down on a bar stool, facing towards him, so he could look at me while he cooked, which he insisted on doing. This is a good fact, since I never had the opportunity to learn how to cook. I sat back and watched as my mate worked his way around the kitchen, pulling out objects, it seemed, at random and placed them on the island bench in front of me.

I looked outside, at the sun that was shining through the windows and hitting my face. Without taking my eyes off the light, I got up and walked outside. I barley heard Johnathan calling my name, but I knew that if he was really worried, he would follow me outside.

My eyes drifted to all the sights around me and my memories from my life before my father kidnapped me seemed to come back to me in floods of emotions. The swing set where a group of pups were playing; I remember when my mother and father would take turns in pushing me on them. The garden that was a few metres from where I'm standing right now; I remember I used to help my mother plant flowers there every spring. The field where I could see a bunch of teenaged wolves sitting around and casing each other; my father would chase me around there as well. My eyes teared up at the memories and I found a nice quiet, but sunning area to relax in.

I sat down, with my legs spread out in front of me, crossed at the ankles while I leaned back on my arms. As I remembered the memories of when my childhood used to be happy and safe, I could feel the sun's rays creep up and caress my face, as if my mother was here herself, giving me comfort. And I thought to myself:

'How could I have ever forgotten something so beautiful, something wonderful filled with warmth of a mother's love?'

The End


That's it, that's the end.

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