Chapter Eleven-Run

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I am dedicating this chapter to @xKarinxx Thank you for your support :)

Chapter Eleven-Run

            (Amber's pov)

            I reluctantly moved away from Johnathan, gathered Hope into my arms and walked over to one of the bags that Johnathan bought, that smelt like food. I opened it to reveal bags of chips, chocolate chip biscuits, apple and orange juice pop tops, bread, a jar of peanut butter and a small set of cutlery, filled with knives, forks and spoons. I grabbed an apple and orange pop top, two slices of bread, a knife, the jar of peanut butter and a bag of chocolate chip biscuits. I set Hope of one the chairs around the small table, handed her the apple juice, gave her a handful of biscuits, told her to take it slow when eating and set to work on trying to make a sandwich.

            I failed.

            When I was spreading the peanut butter onto the two slices of bread, I ended up stabbing little holes into them. How hard could it be to make a damn sandwich? Apparently very hard.

            "Here, let me," John mumbled from behind and took the knife from me. I stepped aside and watched closely as he carefully spread the peanut butter on new slices of bread. He makes it look so easy. "Making a perfect sandwich takes practice. It took me a couple of years to make a sandwich without poking holes in the bread," he chuckled. "You'll get there."

He cut the sandwich in half and in half again. He then gave two of the squares to Hope and the other two to me. I didn't take a bite until Hope had almost finished her second slice and was still reluctant because she needed more food than I did, but John practically forced me to eat, saying I needed to build up my strength just as much as Hope.

"It sucks that I can't even make a sandwich for my own daughter," I grumbled. I hate being useless.

"I have an idea," John suddenly announced. Hope and I turned to him form our seats at the table. "When was the last time you shifted Amber?"

"About a year before Hope was born, so almost three years; that's when I escaped from my father. Why?"  I answered.

"Why don't I take you to the forest so you can shift? We can take Hope and she can ride of one of our backs." He smiled. He looked so happy; there was no way I could deny this to him. Truth be told, I would love to be able to shift and I'm sure Hope would love it. She hasn't seen my wolf before, but I've described Audreanna to her. She goes on and on about how she wished she could see Audreanna.

"That would be a great idea!" I instantly jumped at the sound of Hope's voice; it was so clear and understandable. "I can finally see Audreanna Mummy!"

I laughed at her cheerfulness, "Yes, you will and I will finally get to stretch out my limbs."

* * *

            (Johnathan's pov)

            I sat and watched as Hope stared at her mother in wonder, as did I. I brought Hope and Amber to neutral territory, so they will not be harmed while we enjoy our run.

I watched as Amber shifted into her magnificent wolf. I watched as her scarred skin turned into blood red fur, her long red hair shrunken into a red furry main and her deep green eyes sharpened into wolf eyes, but the green remained in them. Amber was easily bigger the size of a normal Alpha and I could see that she would twice as strong as my own Alpha. Amber wasn't just simply gorgeous, she was magnificent.

Amber bent down to allow me to place Hope on her mother's back.

"Make sure you hold on tightly, ok? Don't want you to fall off," I told Hope as I went behind a tree, pulled my clothes off and shifted into my own dark brown, almost black wolf named Axton. Since I was only a Beta's son, my wolf wasn't as big as an Alpha's wolf and since Amber's wolf was bigger than the largest Alpha, she towered over me. I felt great pride in having a mate that could take care of herself.

I stood beside my mate and crouched down into a pouncing a position. Amber did the same. I growled and bolted. I ran as fast as I could, loving the feel of the wind blowing through my fur. I thought for sure that Amber was far behind me, but when I looked back, she bolted past me. She whipped by me so fast that I got whiplash and I almost fell over a tree branch. I could hear Hope giggling in entertainment and Amber's growls of contentment. I could tell that she would forever live in her wolf skin if she could.

Amber slowed to a stop in the middle of a clearing and I trotted over to sit by her.

"Can I get off?" asked Hope. I stood back up, carefully picked her up with my teeth by the back of her t-shirt and placed her comfortably in between her mother and me. Amber and I stayed in our wolf forms, happily rubbing against each other's heads, like all animals do and watched Hope explore around the area. We were so wrapped up in each other, that we didn't notice that the small army of wolves surrounding us.

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