Chapter Twenty Two-End

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Chapter Twenty Two-End

(Johnathan's pov)

My battle with Cole was harder than I thought it would be. My mind kept going back to Amber and her fight with Dominick that I couldn't focus properly in my own and not to mention the fact that the smell of Hope's body clung the air around us. The stench of her blood reminded me that the Alpha was the enemy and he deserved every second of pain I was going to give him.

I did manage to badly wound the Alpha and he didn't land a single scratch on me or my father, who stood by my side, ready to join in the fight if I needed help. I left massive claw marks across Cole's chest and my dad tore a good chunk out of the side of his neck. His wounds dripped with fresh blood and it sent my wolf into are frenzy.

Axton quickly took over control and I let him. He lept at the tiring Alpha and pinned him to the ground and continuously swiped his claws across his already wound covered chest. The Alpha managed to sneak in an attack at my front right leg, almost breaking the bone by bitting down hard. Luckily my father came in and bit down on Cole's neck before he could do much damage to my leg.

My own jaw replaced my father's and I ripped out his throat and happily watched as he died in front of me. Happy that my fight was now over, I looked over to where I knew Amber was fighting Dom and the sight I saw froze my blood.

Dom was lying dead-I could tell he was dead because there was a giant hole in his chest where his heart should be-half on the ground and half on Amber's bloodied body. I was too far away to sense if she was alive. My father's sharp intake of breath broke me out of my frozen state and I ran over to my mate.

I quickly threw Dom off of her and quickly assessed her wounds. She was badly bleeding out of a wound on her neck and chest with multiple cuts and claw marks on her arms and stomach.

Her fiery red hair now matched the rest of her blood covered body. I normally loved the colour of her hair, but now, with it mixed in with her real blood, I couldn't stand the colour.

"Get the pack doctor!" I screamed. The fear in my voice stopped all wolves battling on around us. I didn't look up from Amber, but I could sense many wolves running from the clearing. All wolves that ran were from Cole's side, but some of those wolves stayed. They must've figured that Cole would've killed them if they didn't fight for him.

I looked over at Hope's body. I felt sadness wash over me in a tidal wave. I couldn't lose Amber, not when I had just found her.

Please let her live, I begged to anyone that would listen.

I wished she would wake up so I could look into her bright green eyes and tell her how much I love her. How much I care about her. I would tell her that it was going to be okay, that she would heal from the grief of having lost Hope to Dominick. I would tell her that in time, we will fill the hole in both of our hearts with new children, new love. And that one day I would marry her and we could either lead this pack, or leave all these horrible memories and start new ones in another pack, with new friends and Alphas.

I just needed her to wake up, or I don't think I could live without her.

* * *

"Don't worry Johnathan," soothed the pack doctor Mason. "She'll be fine in a couple of days."

I let out a huge breath of relief. I had sat outside the pack hospital for the past four hours, waiting for news on whether my mate would live or die.

The pack doctor actually had to post a guard at the door because I was constantly trying to barge through to get to my mate.

My father was here before, trying to get me to go take a shower, get something to get and to get some sleep. He said that he would come get me if there was any news of how Amber was, but nothing he said could get me to move from my spot. I stayed in the same position for hours and now that I know I could relax, I could feel every ache from sitting for so long and the pains from the wounds that I received, even though most of them had completely healed already.

"When will she wake up? And can I go in and see her?" I asked Mason. I needed to be with her, to calm both me and my wolf.

"She could wake up any time from now or a couple of days from now, it all depends on her. And yes, you can go in and see. It should help her heal having her mate close by."

Just as I was about to walk past the doctor and into the room that held my mate, Mason put a hand out in front of me. "There is something that I would like to talk to you about first though."

Now that had my attention. What could he possibly want to talk to me about? Was something wrong with her? Did she receive some kind of internal issue because of what happened to her?

"No! Nothing like that." He must've seen the panicked look on my face, for he was quick to assure me that there was nothing wrong with her like that. I relaxed again.

I nodded for him to continue.

"Amber is pregnant."

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