Eighteen / We Stay, Safe Together

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Act Three / Chapter Eighteen

Act Three / Chapter Eighteen

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"I'm gonna call my mom, I think."

"That sounds like a good idea," Taylor murmurs, rubbing Mikah's back. "Do you want me to stay?"

"I won't to it right now it's...late over there," she sighs, her head in her hands, "but I want you there with me when I do."

Taylor nods silently, trying to offer as much comfort as she possibly can. It's been a rough night, they'd gone to bed at 11, it's 3am now and they still haven't gotten to sleep yet. Everything that's happened in the past few days is starting to weigh on both of them. It's significantly worse for Mikah, though. So Taylor's trying her hardest to keep her own anxiety on the low.

"Can you turn the light off? I think I'm getting a migraine," Mikah groans, rubbing at her eyes harshly.

"I'm sorry, honey," Taylor frowns, leaning over, pulling the chain on the lamp. "What do you need?"

"Just...hold me."

"That's what I'm here for," Taylor gently gathers Mikah into her arms, lying down so she's got her head on her chest. "Wake me up if you start feeling sick or need anything."

Mikah nods, letting her eyes slip closed as Taylor continues running her nails over her back. She manages to fall asleep eventually, but not until long after Taylor's hand had stilled.

Taylor got up before Mikah did, which was unusual in the grand scheme of things, but she hadn't been sleeping well, so Taylor didn't question it.

Untangling herself from the bed, she tiptoes downstairs to make breakfast, making sure to save some for Mikah when she wakes up, settling herself on the couch, deciding now was a good time to get some work done.

Around 90 minutes later, she hears footsteps making their way towards the living room.

"Hey," Mikah yawns, joining Taylor on the couch.

"Hey!" she shuts her computer, "sleep okay?"

Mikah shrugs, still waking up. "How long have you been up?"

"Not too long. I made breakfast, though, if you want any."

"I'm okay, I'm not feeling incredible right now."

Taylor frowns, rubbing her back, "how so?"

Mikah just shrugs again, "I dunno, my head hurts."

"Are you nauseous or anything?"

"A little," she sniffs, curling against Taylor's side, "can you check if I have a fever?"

"Yeah, 'course." Taylor gently presses the back of her hand to Mikah's forehead, "you feel a little warm, but you're not burning up or anything."

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