Seventeen / As Long As You Need It

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Act Three / Chapter Seventeen

Act Three / Chapter Seventeen

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cw: slight mentions of eating disorders and an abusive father

Mikah's never unlocked a door so fast or angrily. She's fucking fuming. She knew her brother wasn't fond of her or Taylor, but she never imagined he'd stoop this low to try and scare off her girlfriend, usually he just jerks off or plays Fortnite too loud next to the wall they share while she's trying to hang out with her girlfriend (why she stopped having girls over.)

"AYDEN!" Mikah shouts, slamming the door, "you little shit!"

Ayden emerges from his bedroom, "Mikah? I can explain-"

"What the fuck do you mean you can explain? It's pretty fucking clear what you did!" She's irrationally angry, "you ran your stupid little mouth to the media in a smear attempt. You always fucking do this, except this time you can do it on a worldwide scale."

"Mikah, you don't understand-"

"I think I understand pretty fucking well! You're just a homophobic asshole who doesn't care about his sister-"

"It was dad! Well, I helped, but it was dad." Ayden cuts her off, "he's evicting you."


"He's evicting you! He's cutting you from the rent, he said he's been planning it for a while and just needed a reason!"

"What? Can he even do that?" Mikah feels like she's been punched in the stomach. She knew her father didn't like her, believe her, she knew. But she didn't expect him to literally kick her out of her own home.

"Apparently! I don't fucking know!"

"When do I have to be out by?"

"End of the month."

Mikah gives a silent "okay", before exiting the apartment. She doesn't know what to do with this, she's in shock, probably. She just can't believe her own father would do this.

She doesn't trust herself to drive in this state so she pulls out her phone, taking a deep breath, and calling Taylor, who answers on the second ring, and the second she hears her voice she just breaks down.

"Mikah? Are you okay?"

"I need you to come get me."

"I'm on my way. Are you safe? Do you need me to call someone?"

"No, I- I'll explain later, I just need you."

"Okay, just hang tight, I'll be there soon." Taylor says softly, hanging up.

Mikah's head falls to her hands, she just can't believe this. She knew living with her brother in her father's place wasn't long-term because she was supposed to figure out a living situation with Lucy, but Lucy never pulled her weight in finding a place, and then Taylor came along.

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