Four / Flashback, Filmreel

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Act One / Chapter Four

Act One / Chapter Four

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January, 2023

"I'd really like it if you could at least try to come," Taylor murmurs, breaking the silence over dinner, "It really doesn't matter if it's opening night or not I just-"

"Taylor, I've said this a million times, I don't know if I can." Joe sighs, annoyed. Tour has been a touchy subject, ever since the words I'm planning to go on tour again left Taylor's mouth. She feels almost as if he doesn't even want her to have a career anymore.

"I know but you're really only filming until April and tour's on until August and-"

"I don't know, Taylor. Why can't you just accept that."

,"I have accepted it!" Taylor exclaims, "I literally just said that you don't have to disrupt your schedule for it, just come when you can!" She watches Joe huff and get up from the table, grabbing his plate and going into the kitchen.

"I'm not having this fight with you again,"

"I'm not trying to fight," Taylor mumbles, pushing around the rest of the food on her plate, her appetite fully gone.

"Sure seems like it." Joe scoffs, sitting back down at the table. Taylor gets up then, taking her unfinished dinner and throwing it out,

"Well, maybe if you would just fucking listen to me, we wouldn't fight like this."

"I am listening to you!"

"No, you're not!" Taylor yells, finally snapping. Taylor sinks down to the counter, covering her face with her hands, "I'm sorry. I'm just- I'm so tired. I'm so fucking tired." She lifts her head up, "I go to the ends of the Earth for you, Joe, and I don't get anything in return! I'm not your little housewife anymore! I tried so hard to put on that mask and play that part for you and I loved it, but it is not going to work in the long-run." Joe rolls his eyes,

"You're speaking in verse again."

"SHUT UP! That's besides the point, Joseph," She's fully angry now, "I'm sorry the pandemic and my fucking relapse caused you to think I'm your housewife, but I'm not, and I never will be. I'm so fucking happy in my career right now, and all I want from you is some support, goddammit!"

There's tears in her eyes when she's finished. Deafening silence fills the apartment and it takes absolutely everything in Taylor not to start crying.

"I have a career too, Taylor." Joe says bluntly, not even bothering to acknowledge anything his visibly upset girlfriend just shouted.

"Fuck you, honestly," Taylor breathes out, "I'm going to bed. Sleep in the guest room or something I really don't care, just leave me alone tonight. Can you at least do that?"

No response.

Taylor trudges up the stairs, into the room that feels less and less like theirs with every passing day. She tries her hardest to take deep breaths, really not wanting to have another panic attack about all this.

After maybe ten-or-so minutes of crying curled in on herself, she decides it would probably be a good idea to call someone, to talk.

She calls Blake, knowing she's her only friend up at this hour who could help her with this.

"Hey, what's up? Are you okay?" Blake asks, she picked up almost immediately and sounds rightfully concerned.

"I, um-" Taylor tries to swallow the lump in her throat, "Joe and I are fighting again," She manages to get out before dissolving into tears again.

"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, honestly," Taylor wipes under her eyes, trying to get her breathing in control, "I'm just- I'm scared. And I've gotten maybe 2 hours of sleep in the past few days"

"You have every right to be scared, babe. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Literally just doing what you're doing right now is perfect."

"Is it okay if I ask why you're fighting?" Blake asks gently

"It's so stupid" Taylor sniffs, "It's just like, over tour and shit. It's like he just wants me to be his housewife forever or something."

"Ugh, that fucking sucks, I'm sorry."

They talk for a couple more minutes before the tiredness creeps up on Taylor, and Blake makes her get some sleep. But not before telling her to call if she needs anything, absolutely anything.

Guess it's nice to have someone that supports you.


September, 2023

Taylor's finally back in New York after two weeks of Mother and sickness induced house arrest. She wasn't even physically sick for that long, Andrea just made her stay until Taylor was completely sure she was 100% well.

As of right now, she's at maybe 75%. But she just had to get out of there.

Nowhere is safe from the memories, from the life they built, and having absolutely nothing to do but rot in bed and think for two weeks amplified that.

Her mind wandered everywhere from that time she and Jack got high and made a bunch of random instrumentals (none of which made the cut, as they sounded way too weed-induced), to the night she finally pulled the plug on her relationship. Which caused her throw up about it all over again.

If anything, New York is the least tainted, somehow. It's always felt truly like home to Taylor, and she's lived here longer than she has most other places.

"Hey, buddy," Taylor mutters as Benjamin rubs against her legs, "Where are your sisters, hmm?" She picks up the cat and kisses his little head, "You miss your other person, don't you?" The cat chirps, "Me too, baby, me too."


Taylor: Hey, I'm back in New York. Think I'm gonna take it easy for a few more days, but lmk when/if you'll be in the studio soonish because I've got some stuff

Jack: hey man!! i basically live in the studio so drop by literally whenever. are you feeling better?

Taylor: Way better, still kinda out of it but way less pukey and no more fever. I'm so fucking bored I shouldn't be allowed to get sick like that

Jack: glad you're doing better. i think i forgot to mention but i got a new client this past week and she's super fucking cool, i think you'd like her

Taylor: Are you trying to set me up? 😭


next chapter will probably be the longest yet, we're nearing the end of act one......
school started last wednesday so idk when the next update will be but hopefully before the end of the month, but either way i promise the wait will be worth it
sorry for the clunky ending 😭 this is not proofread
pls vote, comment, don't ghost read i love you alllll

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