Secrets and Cauldrons

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I made it to the potions classroom twenty minutes early, hoping to be able to double-check my homework before turning it in. Professor Slughorn wasn't here yet, but I didn't mind. It's easier to work in silence.

A loud thud startles me, causing me to break my quill in half. I look up to see Regulus staring down at me, his face void of any emotion.

"Finishing your homework twenty minutes before class starts, why am I not surprised?"

He sits in his seat next to me, pulling out a roll of parchment. I roll my eyes, "I finished the homework the day it was given to us. I'm just double checking, not that it's any of your business."

"The Marauders let you do your homework? Now that's surprising."

His tone is snarky, and the disinterested look in his eyes is enough to piss me off. I keep calm, however, even though I want to hex him to death.

"You talk about them a lot," I say.

I can feel his eyes on me, but ignore it.

"What are you insinuating?"

I shrug, "Nothing, I just think it's so odd that you speak of them so much when you hate them."

"I can talk about them all I want," he sneers.

I smirk, finally looking back at him. "Of course, I'm just not interested in hearing it."

"Ah, there are my two favorite students!"

Professor Slughorn walks over to us, a bright smile on his face. "Would you two mind helping me get ready? I'm afraid I had a late start this morning."

Regulus and I nod in response and set all of the desks up. I noticed that one of the cauldrons he had set down was close to the edge of the table, so without thinking, I quickly adjusted it.

"Are you really that much of a control freak?"

I freeze at Regulus's words, "No, I just noticed it was close to the edge-"

"You really are insufferable," he says.

"I'm the insufferable one? Have you met yourself?" I reply.

Other students start to fill the classroom, their curious eyes watching Regulus and I. The Marauders were just a few steps away from me, looking like they were ready to pounce the Slytherin in front of me.

"You walk around all high and mighty, with your entourage of gits like you're Merlin's greatest gift."

"Wow, you really are jealous, aren't you? Is that the reason why you hate me so much, because your brother and his friends like me?"

His poker face wavers for a second, but he quickly puts it back on. "Jealous, of you? The only thing I'm jealous of is the Americans that were finally able to get away from you."

The crowd is silent as they watch us, Professor Slughorn is still nowhere to be seen.

"I can't keep up with your immature mood swings. Just the other night, you were being decent, and now you're starting an argument over a cauldron."

I realize now how close we are. When did he get so close to me? I take a few steps away, but my back hits the edge of a table. Regulus walks forward, standing in front of me again.

"You know, I really thought you were boring, but I recently found out something interesting about you," he says, smirking.

I tense, a million different things running through my head. I've been quiet about my life back in America. No one even knows my mother's name. What could he know?

"Your father left last year to join the Dark Wizards. Did he not?"

The crowd whispers loudly, and Professor Slughorn pushes his way through to stand beside us. "That's enough, Mr. Black."

My hands shake as I stare back into his unforgiving eyes. There's a proud smirk on his face, and it makes my blood run cold.

"It's a miracle that Sirius was able to live with you for as long as he did," I whisper the next part to him, "I'd abandon you too."

His smirk drops, the cocky look on his face being replaced with a look I know all too well. Pain.

I shove him away from me and grab my stuff. "I'd like to skip today if that's alright with you, Professor."

He nods, "You can do your work during your next free period."

My eyes land on my friends, all of them looking back at me in shock. My heart clenches as I realize they now know the one thing I've tried so hard to keep hidden. The very thing that almost prevented me from studying at Hogwarts, and by the end of the day, everyone in school will know too

The tears I had been holding back break free as I walk down the corridor. I use the sleeve of my robe to wipe them away, not even caring if anyone sees. The loud footsteps echoing behind me encourage me to walk faster.


I stop at the voice and turn around to see Remus hunched over, breathing loudly. James, Peter, and Sirius skid to a stop behind him.

James is the first to approach me, "Regulus is a dick. It's not unlike him to make shit up just to get under your skin."

More tears stream down my face, and I look away in shame. If only what he said actually was made up.

"She's crying," Peter says.

Sirius hits James, "You made it worse!"

"It's true, isn't it?" a soft voice asks.

Remus stands in front of me, his eyes radiating the kindness he so graciously has. If only more people were like Remus Lupin, then perhaps the world would be a better place.

I nod slowly, not being brave enough to speak.

He pulls me into a hug, pushing my face into his chest. His long arms wrap around me, and I slowly wrap mine around him.

"It's okay. We would never judge you for something like that," Remus says.

Peter cuts in, "But we would judge you for what you wear."

I pull away from Remus, taking a step back as I wipe my face again. My eyes refuse to meet anyone's as the embarrassment of the situation sets in.

"I'm sorry-"

"(L/n) I swear to Godrick I will throw you out the window if you apologize," says James.

I look back at them, "Could you make sure Professor Sterling was there to catch me?"

James laughs, "I knew it! I knew you had a crush on him!"

I laugh too, and they all smile. Remus wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer to the other boys. "There's our girl, now tell her what our plan is."

I roll my eyes at Remus's words but look at James, waiting for an explanation.

"First of all, we're skipping our classes today."

My eyes widen, "Not happening."

"Relax, Slughorn told us he would talk to Dumbledore about it. He said to take a mental health break, and since we're your best friends, we're skipping too."

I look to Remus for confirmation. He smiles, "He's not lying."

"Unbelievable. You don't trust me, but you trust Moony?"

"I'd trust Remus with my life," I answer, smiling as James grabs his chest dramatically.

"It's like I've been shot, I simply can not believe you would betray me like this."

Sirius, who has been silent this entire time, laughs. "Come on, Prongs, can you blame her? I wouldn't trust us either."

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