The Sorting Hat

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Sitting in the carriage with Lily and Severus was quite awkward. His face was set into a sour scowl as he glared at me. Lily either didn't notice or didn't care. I have a feeling she's used to his attitude.

When we got to the castle, an older woman pulled me away from the duo. There's a kind smile on her face as she leads me through the castle.

"I'm Professor McGonagall. We are very excited to welcome you to Hogwarts," she says.

I return the kind smile, "Thank you. I'm honored to be here, I've heard nothing but good things about this school."

It's true. Hogwarts has an amazing reputation in the United States, and it is very hard for Americans to get into. I was ecstatic when I got my acceptance letter and transferred here as soon as I could. Ilvermorny is nice, but the education system in America isn't great.

She stops in front of two tall doors, "Stay right here, I'll come get you after the first years are sorted."

She slides through the doors, only giving me a second to peek in. When the doors close, I let out a deep breath. It's scary enough to move out of the country on your own, but going to a new university? Even scarier. Especially when you're twenty-one and have zero friends.

After what felt like forever, the doors opened again. I stare ahead, not expecting to see everyone staring right at me. Professor McGonagall stands at the end of the walkway, holding a hat. She beckons me forward, and I listen. I ignore the whispers as I walk towards her, and I keep my head held high with no emotion showing on my face.

She points to the old chair next to her, and I sit down. My eyes stare straight ahead, refusing to make contact with anyone. The hat lowers onto my head, and a voice echoes through the room.

"Ah, an American," says the voice.

The Sorting Hat. This will be interesting.

The hat continues, "Very ambitious, I think you would do very well in Slytherin."

"Yes, but please put me in a house where I can excel," I whisper.

The hat laughs, "Yes, Slytherin would be a perfect fit for you, but I feel that you need more of a challenge."

The hat pauses for a minute. I suck in a deep breath and wait.

"Better be.... GRYFFINDOR!"

My plain robes change into the colors of Gryffindor. The table in front of me erupts into loud cheers. McGonagall takes the hat off my head and points to them, "You can go join your new housemates."

I dust my robe off and walk to the table. As I'm walking by, someone grabs my arm, "Sit with us!"

I recognize the voice and sigh. Of course, they would be in Gryffindor. James pulls me down to the seat next to him and throws his arm around my shoulders.

"I knew you'd be Gryffindor!" he says.

"And how did you know that?" I ask boredly.

Sirius smirks at me, "Because all of the hot girls are in Gryffindor."

Sirius and James begin to laugh. Their other two friends give me an apologetic look.

"I'm Remus, and this is Peter," the boy with kind eyes says.

I nod, "Pleasure to meet you both, I'm (Y/n)."

The headmaster, Dumbledore, gives a welcoming speech. I completely ignored it, though, as the man spoke forever, and I had lost interest after the first three minutes. Everyone else around me seemed to ignore the speech as well.

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