Chapter 5: Home

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JCJenson (In SPAAAAACEE!!!!)
Rebuild Together BetterTM

WD Disassembly - (1A) Overview:
"Zombie Drones!!!!"

53% Unit Damage
27% Upgrading Model
11% Terminating Operation(s)
7% Competitor Products
2% Core Failsafe Trip
1% Other

Upgrading models. Cutting maintenance costs.


STEP 1: Software Cleanup
Ensure Marked WD Unit Matches P/N, S/N (1A) → MARKED FOR DISASSEMBLY

There are many reasons the clients may wish to disassemble a drone individual or series after a period of use.

Upload wdOS_606
(This is Fun for Them) (1B)

STEP 2: Hardware Cleanup
Human Inspection (2A): Affirm Core Disconnect

Process Drone (1) Core (1)
Through disassembly unit (2R)

Human Inspection (2B):
Affirm fun

Following these two steps is key to avoiding— ZOMBIE DRONES!!!!!


FINE 9C: "Zombie Drones"

-> Core is not properly disconnected
-> Hardware is not physically destroyed
-> wdOS_606 is interrupted/rejected immediately (1A) or up to five (5) years later

completely disassembled drones may occasionally reboot from software death alone. More than undead federal fine hazards, these corrupted AI carry an increased risk of future error—


aiCore WD1001 -0.01% self-reboot rate (3020)

Technician Error (Repeat A1-B2)

Faulty OS String (Check Indicator)

Failsafe Wear (Inspect Pins)

This concludes the presentation


At a mansion, N is sitting in a library, reading a book called "101 Dog Breeds". "This breed is known for its friendly, intelligent temperament, and soft golden coat!" he chuckles. "Golden Retrievers are also—" He comes across a drawing that was placed in the book. "It's us as lizards. J drew herself."
He tosses the drawing off to the side and continues reading, clearing his throat. "...are also known for having gentle mouths. Aww...! That's why they're good with kids!"
He hears a stomping noise. Books start falling off the shelves as he sees that someone is attempting to enter the library via a trapdoor. However, he thinks nothing of it, flashes a peace sign, and walks away.
An insect crawls over a teacup and begins to drink the tea inside. "Stab!" The insect gets stabbed by Cyn's tail, and N enters the room. Cyn looks like a monster, and lightning strikes, now she is just a small worker drone. "You seem upset, big brother N. Perhaps you'd like to attend the gala with me?" she says, taking a light sip of her tea. N shrugs and sighs, "Not sure we're invited, little buddy. Why not just hang with me?" Cyn climbs up onto the bar and sits criss-cross. "Climbing. Criss-cross applesauce. Am I not wanted, N?" N sighs again, "Dude... You know it's Tessa's folks."
Suddenly, red liquid, likely blood, drips from the ceiling and onto N's platter. He wipes it off, revealing a message written on the ceiling: "BAƧMƎИT NOW!!! STOᑫ IGИORINວ MƎ!!!!" Thinking nothing of it, N tosses the platter to the side, and it just happens to stick into the wall. He sighs, "Don't give me those eyes." Cyn has a puppy picture over her eyes. "Giggle. I am so naughty. The flesh demands invitation." She looks at him and holds her hands under her chin with her tongue out. N gives in, "Ah, we'll ask Tessa, OK? If not... Movie night!" Cyn nods by putting her hand on her head and moving it, "Sheepish nod."
N and Cyn enter the eating lounge where the gala is taking place. Cyn is walking behind N, "Shuffle. Shuffle. Shuffle. Shuffle." Jamesn is seen directing two worker drones. "Western Villa style?! Were you programmed by beasts?!" He tosses a fork into a Worker Drone's eyes. Tessa is seen being overstressed. "There's humans coming! I've only ever yakked to robots, J! Quick! Pretend to be a ripping royal stud!" J starts pretending to act all royal and proper lady-like. "On ya, girl." They have a toast. Tessa starts rubbing her arm like it hurts. "I'm right, J." She sees that N has arrived. "N!" She runs up, grabs him by his cheeks, and swings him around. "Hi, Tessa."
N looks over, and in the window, another message is being written: "WHEN U ABOUT 2 FRIKKEN DIE, SPEAK ALOUD: ID: DarkXWolf17"

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