Chapter 2:Heartbeat

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The sound of rainfall and thunder pounds outside...

James sips his drink and lets out a sigh. "We've got to curb her trips to the dump," he says. N walks past James wearing a suit and holding a platter, resembling a servant worker drone. James continues, "And where is she getting the hair to play dress-up with them? Creepy..." He tosses his glass onto the tray, which N catches without dropping any dishes.
"Anyway, where were we, Mr. Grey Mann? We were discussing my company, and you wanted to work together with us." Grey Mann grins. "Correct, and... CAN YOU BE A GOOD BODYGUARD FOR AT LEAST TWO SECONDS?" Grey Mann yells at his bodyguard, who was on his phone. N walks off as to not get caught up in the drama. He stops to make a view out of a window as the cacophonous storm continues raging.

Continuing his walk, he looks around some more as he collides with V, wearing a maid's outfit. The collision causes N to drop the platter, and the dishes fall to the floor. "OH! I'm so sorry!" N is quick to apologize. V stands up, "I-It's okay! I wasn't looking." Their hands touch, and a spark emits. They blush and stare in curiosity as N begins to speak, but is kicked to the side by J. "Move it, moro-" Suddenly turns cutesy and polite when Tessa appears with a drone behind her. "Hi, Tessa! ...Oh, no. Another one?" The new drone reveals herself from behind Tessa. She makes eye contact with N as everything suddenly goes dark.

N wakes up from his rest and falls to the ground. "N, I found something in here!" Uzi was heard from inside the Corpse House. Uzi is inspecting her new finding: a symbol consisting of a skull with a cap and wings. Uzi stares at her reflection in a mirror, which breaks, which grabs V's attention. "That's weird and concerning." she sat in a chair chained to the floor. "Bite me! This is probably you weirdo's fault!" Uzi yells at V, who lets out an unconcerned hum. "I've never seen that symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?" she smiles maniacally, but then N appears. "What'd you find?" Uzi points at N's hat. "Did you know that was a pilot hat?" N looks surprised. "I was the pilot? That's awesome! I crashed and ruined everything... Spaceship Pilot: Origin Story."

V hisses, then calms herself by blowing bubbles out of a bubble blower. "Speaking of piloting to Earth, we sure 'murder all humans' is, uh, morality?" Uzi turns to N. "The humans sent you without a communication relay and reformatted your memories to soup." No response or rebuttal from N or V. "Covering their tracks means their past negotiating. Not like tried negotiating with my mom..." V gets a smug look. "Or you missed the negotiations! The humans programmed us to solve a problem. Where's proof of your backstory? The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent?" she chuckles as Uzi gets mad.
N, not wanting another fight to break out, gently pulls Uzi out of the way and says, "J was getting orders from someone. If not the company through that relay, then, uh, who? And how?" Uzi pouts, "Quit complicating my murder plan." N tries to comfort her by gently patting her on the head, but Uzi brushes his hand away.

"Bloody hell, this can't be happening!" Demoman's one eye darts all over the place as he kept digging through many different stockpiled food and drinks. "Where is me scrumpy?" But instead, he found nothing. He walked out, slamming the door with a look of rage and disappointment.
"Uh, Demo, you okay?" Scout asked, tilting his head, Demoman turns angrily "Someone drank all me scrumpy," he lets out a long sigh. "I really hit rock bottom." He looked at the floor and put his hands on his face, letting out drunken cries.
Scout slowly walked away, only to run into Pyro, who just stared at him blankly. "AHHH- oh, it's you." Scout looked at Pyro, who just breathed slowly Scout looks at Pyro seeing his reflection in Pyro's gas mask, Scout looks uncomfortable so he just slowly walked around Pyro and continued down the hall and stopped right outside a room labeled garage but has been crossed out and had 'Engineer's workstation' now under it.
"So what's in it for me?" Engineer sounded like he was talking to someone. "Вы покидаете эту планету," a female voice responds to Engineer. "Hm," Engineer thought about it. "You know what? You got yourself a deal." A red light filled the room, then Engineer sighed, cracking open a beer and drinking. "Ah, that was nice." He looked up and saw Scout walk in. "Oh, hey Scout," he acted like nothing happened, so Scout played along. "What'cha working on?" he asked, staying casual. "Don't ask," was the only thing Engineer said, and he put his attention back to his gunslinger as he tinkered with it.

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