"Thunder..." Bumblebee tried again.

"I'm awake," Thunderhoof interrupted, starting to reverse out of the trailer. "Please tell me we're back?"

"In a manner of speaking."

Bumblebee stepped out of the way as Thunderhoof backed out into the open. He opened his door to let Steeljaw's daughter jump out before he transformed.

"Do I even wanna know what yous mean by that?" Thunderhoof asked, swaying slightly on his pedes and desperately attempting to ignore the flare of burning pain in his back.

"There's a quicker way of getting you to Griffin Rock without any fuss," Heatwave said, gesturing to the space around them.

Thunderhoof took in the high ceilings, polished floors, plain walls, and numerous Cybertronian technological inputs, such as security cameras and door locks.

"Where are we?"

"One of our mainland bases, and that's all you need to know," Heatwave responded gruffly.

"One of..." Thunderhoof stopped short and pinched his optical ridges. "You know what? I ain't gonna go there. No longer my business to know what yous Autobots do on this planet."

Flanked by Bumblebee and reusing Optimus as a crutch, Thunderhoof followed the Rescue Bots to wherever in the building they were going. He kept his gaze trained on the ground, mostly, as he noticed the bitlit's tendency to disappear then reappear seemingly at random. The obvious answer would be that she blends-in with their surroundings.

Again, since when is anything related to Steeljaw ever easy, simple, or obvious?

The group enters a large, dark room, occupied solely by a ground-bridge and its control panel.

"Quick travel, how useful," Thunderhoof commented.

"Very..." Heatwave vented. "Let's go home."

"Oh, I've never been happier to hear those words!" Blades said.

"Indeed," Chase agreed.

"As much as I would like to accompany you all, I am afraid I must attend to business elsewhere on Earth," Optimus stated, drawing slowly away from Thunderhoof. "Agent Fowler and I have much to discuss about this latest incident."

"Good idea," Bumblebee nodded. "I certainly don't want to deal with that craziness again!"

"At least we'll be returning to a craziness we know how to deal with," Boulder said, attempting to lighten the mood. He approached Thunderhoof with a smile on his face and offered his arm.

"If you still need help, I wouldn't mind."

Thunderhoof didn't have the energy to argue right now. He slouches against Boulder with a heavy vent and allows himself to be guided to the bridge.

"Will you be returning to Cybertron, Bumblebee?" Optimus asked, though part of his attention is on Thunderhoof. "I suggest that you go see Ratchet, and perhaps escort him to Griffin Rock so that he may help Blades and Boulder with Thunderhoof."

"I will," Bumblebee answered, but Optimus suspected his former scout cut himself short.

"Bumblebee, what is troubling you?"

"I'll let you know once I actually, you know, know."

Without waiting for a response, Bumblebee hurried after the Rescue Bots and Thunderhoof, leaving a somewhat perplexed Optimus Prime behind. The portal roared to life, and the six mechs, plus Steeljaw's daughter, entered. A few seconds later, they came out the other side.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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