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Steeljaw is going to kill me!

No, can't focus on that right now!

Find the bitlit first, worry about the consequences later.

That is the only thing you can do!

There's no sign of her anywhere!

She could have hitched a ride with the Autobots, but wouldn't someone have noticed?

Scrap scrap scrap...

Where did she go?

Thunderhoof returned to the common room in a fit. He stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed something that he didn't before – a large, red hatch – and decided to pry it open, revealing the entrance of a tunnel on the other side.

"Huh. Interestin'."

No way she got through on her own.

However, a small part of Thunderhoof urged him to keep going. Humans call it a gut instinct, and his own has yet to fail him.

Thunderhoof entered the tunnel, leaving the hatch slightly ajar, just in case. He followed the straight and – unfortunately – narrow path away from the Bunker and further into Griffin Rock's cave system. He had to crouch a bit to avoid dragging his antlers across the ceiling, and the extra pressure on his hooves is nothing short of painfully irritating.

I don't know how, but I swear you better be down there somewhere.

– timeskip –

After searching tirelessly for about an hour, Thunderhoof felt that he couldn't take another step without resting. He leaned against the tunnel wall and vented. The trek took more out of him than he'd care to admit. His throbbing hoof was warning enough.

Probably should head back. I'll just say I overreacted or something.

Thunderhoof moved away from the wall, groaning as he put pressure on his injured hoof.

"Did you hear that?"

Thunderhoof froze.

That ain't one of the Autobots, or their humans.

"You're just being paranoid."

"I'd prefer to think of him as overly enthused."

"Shut up, the both of you! I know I heard something!"

"Whatever you say."

The ensuing argument reminded Thunderhoof that he shouldn't be here. No one else on the Island is supposed to know of his existence. He has to go. Now.

There's just one little thing that is preventing him from leaving.

Are humans even supposed to be down here?

His gut instinct starts to act up again. While he has yet to find Steeljaw's daughter, Thunderhoof knows that he can't let a bunch of strangers anywhere near his current safe haven. He needs the Bunker and the Rescue Bots and their humans, and he needs to keep reminding himself of that fact, no matter how much he hates it.

Thunderhoof backtracked the way he came, stopping at a crossroads. He starts punching and kicking the wall, planning to construct an impenetrable barricade. Well, nearly impenetrable.

He wasn't blind to the fact that the commotion would attract attention...


He just didn't think it would arrive so fast.

Tough LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora