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The day progressed rather slowly, as Thunderhoof had nothing to do other than lay around and keep an optic on Steeljaw's daughter. Her inquisitive nature and need to run around and explore was certainly keeping the Cervicon entertained enough to not be considered totally bored. Still, he wishes he had something to do. A data pad to read, at least!

Yes, he did completely forget about the radio in his Earthling altmode.

The Rescue Team was out all day, including Cody, leaving Thunderhoof alone with Steeljaw's daughter for company. Again, that's not inherently a problem, but there is one glaringly obvious fact that Thunderhoof can not ignore: Steeljaw's daughter does not talk. So used to banter on the daily with his fellow Ex-Cons, Thunderhoof is craving conversation.

Two-way conversation.

Chirps and whines on the pup's end don't count.

While a part of him dreads having to be around the Autobots and their humans, another part of him doesn't care who or what they are so long as he can talk to them, and have them talk back.

– timeskip –

"Uh, hello? Thunderhoof?"

The Cervicon blinked open his optics, gaze settling on a darkened ceiling.


"Sorry. I didn't wake you, did I?"

"Mmm... no."

Thunderhoof mumbled under his vents as he pushed himself into a sitting position on his berth. He blinked again and looked down and over at the med-bay's entrance. The silhouette of a human stood out against warm yellow light from the adjoining room, or hallway. Thunderhoof couldn't tell. What he could tell was the identity of the human visiting him.

"Not yet, at least. What yous even doin' here, anyway? Don't ya need to get some sleep or somethin'?"

"I wanted to come down and check on you, first," Chief Burns said, walking over to the medical slab.

"Couldn't you have waited till mornin'?" Thunderhoof asked, arching an optical ridge.

"We won't be interrupted unless there's an emergency."

Thunderhoof wasn't any less confused. Chief Burns sighed and shook his head. He looked back up to the Cervicon with weary eyes.

"It's come to my attention that you don't like feeling cornered, which is exactly what we did earlier, twice now."

"What makes you say that?" Thunderhoof asked, mouth curling into a slight grin.

"In all my years as a police officer, I have encountered all kinds of criminals. None of your caliber, but you all have one thing in common, and it's that you go on the defensive whenever you feel threatened or overwhelmed," Chief Burns explained.

Thunderhoof would have scoffed if the human didn't just read him like a book. His expression immediately fell as the rest of him went taut.

"While I have no doubt that you are strong, Thunderhoof, both physically and psychologically, I also doubt that you are completely fearless. I'm sure being surrounded by Autobots, regardless of their fighting skills, was something you didn't feel entirely comfortable with. If you did something they perceived as dangerous, whether by accident or on purpose..."

"They wouldn't hesitate to jump me to save you," Thunderhoof interrupted, clenching his fists. "So yous down here to talk to me in private 'cause you assumed I would be more comfortable?"

Chief Burns nodded. Thunderhoof vented and leaned over, reaching out for the human. He stepped back, only for the Cervicon to open his servo, palm facing up. He remained standing there, staring at the servo.

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