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That nagging voice never goes away. She's a constant weight that sits in the back of her head refusing to stop fighting. Artemis had never met the witch called Hecate but she's heard of her. She knows the nagging witchling shares her body. She'd taken control for over a year before, she could probably do the same now that she was in control again. She just needed to keep her head straight. Focused. She needed to stay focused.

That meant no distractions. Like the one before her now.

The man in front of her crouched behind a bush stalking its prey, a young girl with auburn hair looked as if she herself was sneaking around the woods in clothes that were too thin for the freezing weather that had ambushed them these past months.

This wasn't the life she wanted. Stalking men. Murdering them. But who is she really kidding, it was her favorite pastime since losing her brother.

He's not dead but their curse doesn't allow for them to see each other. Her insides feel like they're clawing their way outside of her when she does happen to near him. That's when mistakes happen.

The man straightened his clothes when he was done but they never were. He'd had a taste, now he wants the whole meal. The bow in her hand tightened as she drew the arrow back.

"Hello there!" The man called toward the girl, "are you lost?"

The girl whipped around with a knife in her hand as if expecting the surprise. Artemis lowered her bow, just slightly.

"I am never lost." She said with enough cockiness Artemis almost chocked.

"Aren't you one of them Orphans at Metanira's place? What are you doing out here in the woods? Looking for trouble?" She could feel the man eyeing this little girl up and down the way he cocked his head.

Strange. That had been why Artemis came back here, to find Metanira's, Kore's mortal mother that had raised her when she was lost to the gods.

No one had noticed her hiding in the trees in the clearing when they spoke of where they'd sent Demeter. She just had to see it for herself before she searched for Hercules or Perseus. She'd heard everything from behind that witches eyes. Idiots.

"I don't need to look when it somehow always finds its way where it needs to."

"Yeah?" The man was slurring, "Why don't you drop that toy you got there and show me what kind of trouble you're into then?" He snickered grabbing the front of his pants.

The girl rolled her eyes, pulled the knife behind her head and tossed it straight for the man, grazing his ear, landing right next to her foot.

"You little," The man started but Artemis was too quick. Her arrow struck through his neck spraying the young girl with blood.

"Who are you?" She asked as if she didn't just save her life.

She tossed the knife back to the girl who caught it with expertise before tucking it somewhere under her dress. Smart carrying that around.

"The girl that just saved your life. Who are you?"

"I don't know yet."

Artemis raised her eyebrow curious again. "You don't know... yet?"

"You remind me of my favorite goddess Artemis with that bow." She said walking away.

"You're kind of strange." She said rushing after the girl.

"Strange people are interesting."

"I can't deny that. What makes Artemis your favorite of the gods?"

"Badass with a bow. What's not to like?" She shrugged seemingly walking faster.

Bringer of Death (Cruel Gods 1)Where stories live. Discover now