Chapter 23

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When Uther returned with Boris, I had them meet me in the Great Hall to discuss the visits that I had been paid during their absence by the ambassadors of Erst, Theran and Alderin.

"I'm not surprised that they were quick to request an audience, we've always had good relations with those kingdoms, they came here because they likely believed they could discuss matters with the new queen in good faith. The other ambassadors haven't come because they're taking their time to decide how they should proceed with us," Boris said.

"What will Dranii's response be to my ascension to the throne?"

"We likely won't see a response from Dranii any time soon, they'll wait until they have a clear idea of the kind of queen you're going to be before they make a move."

"If Volstaff decides to invade us, will Dranii help them?"

"If they do decide to help them they'll provide them with the minimum amount of assistance possible, that's how they tend to do things."

"Will they assist them with troops?"

"I doubt it, most likely the extent of their cooperation will be to provide them with passage through their kingdom."

"You're sure about all of this?"

"Yes. Dranii's approach to cooperating with other kingdoms is always to try and secure the greatest benefit with the least amount of investment; they're entirely self-interested, they won't think twice about forsaking a supposed ally if it would be to their benefit."

"If this is all true then perhaps we should give Dranii something to think about."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Summon the Dranii ambassador, tell them the new queen wishes to speak with them."

Boris caught on immediately to what I was planning and gave me a knowing smile.

"Yes, your majesty."

"When this invasion happens," I said, turning to Uther, "the likelihood is that no matter what we do between now and then our numbers will still be short."

"Most likely, yes."

"I need you to start thinking about two things: maximizing our numbers and tactics that we could employ to make up for our inferior numbers."

"Much of the kingdom's fighting force is under the control of the nobles, until we've dealt with them..."

"Yes, but with that particular issue there's the need for us to be mindful of pulling the weed out by the root and not just snipping it and allowing it to continue to fester."

"If I may, your majesty," Boris interjected.


"The nobles have a policy of rewarding loyalty; after the king had successfully subjugated them all of their incoming producing activities were taken over by merchants, if we find out who took over from the merchants when the nobles had their privileges restored we would know who to be wary of when we move against them."

"Who would have this information?"

"The merchants established a guild here in the capital city, between the Master of the Merchant Guild and the Royal Treasurer we should be able to discern who has had fortune bestowed upon them by the nobles."

"I'll bring it up with Alfred when he comes to me with his plan for what to do about the kingdom's finances, until then we focus on preparing for this invasion."

"Yes, your majesty," Uther and Boris said in unison.

They got up, bowed to me with their hands over their hearts and left. I didn't like the bowing and made a mental note to eventually have it done away with.

The Fire QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora