Coming back from out trip to the store we gather back to the other group. I could tell Gabe was annoying the hell out of Sang. But so was she. I think Gabe met his match in causing trouble. After a few hours of shopping, Gabe had one more store for us men and gave Sang a card to go to the food court.

It was a quick stop in the store and all 6 of us were headed back to the food court. Once there we scanned the area but no Sang was about. Not seeing her me and my brothers became stiff. Worry was all across our faces and we walked around the food court for a couple minutes. Nathan seemed on edge.

''Nathan, what is it? Are you ok?''

''Yeah, sorry I just have his bad feeling in my gut.''

''Maybe she went the bathroom.'' Axel called out to us.

We all rushed to the bathroom. We asked a couple of girls leaving the Women's bathroom if there was a blonde hair and green eyed girl in there. But there response was no, were the only once in there. Corey went in and confirmed there's no one in the bathroom same from the Men's. We all moved back to the entrance but before we could leave a yell sprang out from the back of the hallway.

Rushing closer to the back end, 2 figures were seen. Raven pushed through us before tackling his weight on the slightly taller figure. The second figure roughly fell onto the floor and getting closer I notice it was Sang. She was bleeding on her stomach and on her face.

''SANG'' She looked lazily to Raven and Nathan beating up the man behind us. I gently grabbed her face and brought it towards me.

''SANG, you need to stay awake.''

Corey and Gabe grabbed her hand before Gave put pressure to her stomach.

''Sang, stay awake.'' I yelled.

I faintly hear Axel calling Owen and telling him the situation. Thankfully they were on there way after getting the cars. I kept calling out to Sang but she wasn't listen. God I can't lose her yet. She just crashed into my life. Her beauty was unreal and her personality was even better. I only known her for a week and I can already feel feeling for her.

I grabbed her face again and called out to her again but she was in a daze. Just than Gabe reached up to her head and brought down his hand, blood covered it. Axel started to shout out commands and Raven rushed over to Sang. He picked her up and rushed to the exit. Owen and Sean were waiting at the SUV.

I was pleading at Sang to stay awake and to keep her eyes open. But once she was in the car she closed her eyes. Raven put her down and cradled her neck Silas was in the passenger talking on the phone. Meanwhile Owen and Axel got into the car. Sean took over and he had a small medical kit with him and started to take care of her.

The rest of us couldn't fit and rushed away from the vehicle and they rushed back to the house. Brandon came minutes later and rushed us in and floored it to the house with the rest of the boys in tow.

~Sang's POV~

Waking up, I looked around and notice I was in my room back at the house.

Oh good, they didn't bring me to the hospital. That would have easily brought attraction. We'd be caught in no time. I was hooked up to an IV machine. I detached myself from the machine and walk to the bathroom.

Quickly did my business and look at all my wounds from the ugly man. I walked back out into the room and took the pills on the table. Ugghh god, only been here a week and I've already been harassed. I think that's a new record. Normally I always have the upper hand but for some reason I didn't think about bringing my gun or knives. Damn, I'm such an idiot. I thought.

A Bird and her Dogsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن