"Love on Stage"

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As the prestigious Melon Music Awards ceremony unfolded, the atmosphere crackled with excitement and anticipation. Among the sea of talented idols, Sana sat in the audience, her heart aflutter with nervous energy and a secret she could no longer contain.

Y/N, the object of Sana's affections, stood poised on stage, her radiant smile lighting up the room as she accepted her well-deserved award for "Best Vocal Performance." Sana couldn't help but admire Y/N's grace and talent, her heart swelling with pride as she watched her crush bask in the spotlight.

With a wide grin, Sana cheered loudly for Y/N, her eyes never leaving the stage as Y/N began her heartfelt acceptance speech. But in the midst of Y/N's eloquent words, the unexpected happened.

The giant screens scattered throughout the venue suddenly switched to a close-up of Sana, her face beaming with adoration as she formed a heart shape with her hands, her eyes locked on Y/N.

Gasps and giggles rippled through the crowd as Sana's bold declaration of affection played out for all to see. Sana's fellow idols, including her  co members, erupted into laughter, teasing her mercilessly as she blushed furiously in her seat.

"Sana, you've been caught!" one of her co-member, Nayeon, nudging her playfully.

Embarrassed but unable to hide her delight, Sana sheepishly glanced around, realizing she had been caught red-handed in her display of affection for Y/N.

Meanwhile, Y/N, momentarily confused by the sudden commotion in the audience, turned to the screen, only to find Sana's face filling the frame. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of Sana's bashful smile, her cheeks tinged with a rosy blush.

Collecting herself, Y/N chuckled softly and continued her speech, albeit with a newfound warmth in her heart. The crowd's cheers grew even louder, fueled by the unexpected display of affection between two beloved idols.

As the night wore on and the ceremony reached its climax, Sana couldn't shake the feeling of elation that bubbled within her. Though her secret crush had been exposed for all to see, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to express her admiration for Y/N, even if it had been a little unconventional.

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