"Love's Slumber"

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As the clock ticked past midnight, Y/N sat on the sofa, eagerly awaiting her girlfriend's return home. Despite the late hour, she was determined to stay awake until Sana walked through the door.

However, exhaustion soon caught up with Y/N, and before she knew it, her eyelids grew heavy, and she drifted off to sleep. Unbeknownst to her, she slumbered soundly on the sofa, completely unaware of the passage of time.

The next morning, as the sun gently filtered through the curtains, Y/N slowly stirred from her slumber. Blinking groggily, she sat up and stretched, feeling disoriented from her unexpected nap.

It was then that she noticed something peculiar—she wasn't in her bed. Instead, she found herself still on the sofa, her body sprawled across its cushions in a rather undignified manner.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at her own predicament. How had she managed to fall asleep on the sofa while waiting for Sana? She must have been more tired than she realized.

With a yawn, Y/N was about to sit up from the sofa to stretch her limbs, feeling the stiffness from sleeping in an awkward position when she felt a weight on her chest. Frowning in confusion, she looked down to see her girlfriend, Sana, fast asleep on top of her.

Y/N couldn't help but chuckle softly at the sight. Despite the fact that the sofa was much too small for the two of them, Sana had managed to find a way to make herself comfortable, even if it meant sleeping on top of Y/N.

Gently running her fingers through Sana's hair, Y/N marveled at how peaceful she looked in her sleep. Despite the awkward position, Sana seemed completely at ease, snuggled up against Y/N's chest as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Feeling a rush of warmth and affection, Y/N couldn't help but smile at the thought of how much she loved this woman. In that moment, surrounded by the soft light of dawn and the quiet stillness of the morning, Y/N knew that there was nowhere else she'd rather be than right here, with Sana in her arms.

With a contented sigh, Y/N settled back against the cushions, allowing herself to bask in the warmth of their shared embrace.

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