16 | RIHAN

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The bell signals the end of class. I suppress a smile at the sight of relief on their faces. It doesn't bug me; in fact, I get them. Who can sit through a two-hour lecture without losing their mind? I try my best to make the class as interesting as possible, even giving the students short breaks. But concentrating on the same subject for so long is always a challenge; I know because I was a student once. Perhaps the class topper will beg to differ.

"Read the chapter on financial markets. I'll be asking questions tomorrow at the beginning of the class," I announce, my voice cutting through the silence.

The murmurs of acknowledgement slowly fade into the distance as I head to my office and unlock the door. Setting down the mountain of books, I sink into my chair. Exhaustion seeps into my bones, and I find myself leaning forward, my forehead resting against the cool surface of the desk, utterly glad for the absence of any more classes.

A sharp knock forces me to open my eyes. Blinking away the haze of sleep, I sit up just as Mohan pokes his head through the door. "Time for lunch."

Right on cue, my stomach grumbles in agreement.

I lock the door behind us as we make our way downstairs and hop into my car.

"Where's Ravi?" I ask, noting his absence.

"He's teaching the first year, then he has two classes back-to-back for the second year."

I wince in understanding as I start the car.

"Yash is meeting us," he adds, showing me the latest message from our WhatsApp group chat.

We arrive at our usual cafe, and sure enough, our ever-punctual friend is already seated inside. He waves us over, and I smile as we join him at the table.

"You finally found some time to meet us," I tease as a greeting.

He snorts in response. "We were on a study tour for three days. You are making it sound like it's been three years."

"Three days, huh?" I lean back in my chair, giving him my undivided attention. "Felt like a lifetime." I have known Yash since college. He was my senior, but since we shared a hostel room, he became one of my closest friends. Now, as the head of the statistics department, many perceive him as cold and strict, oblivious to the goofy side he reserves for a selected few. Even Mohan and Ravi were taken aback by Yash's antics when they first joined us at the cafe, but they've grown used to our nonsense.

"So, you missed me, is that what you're trying to say?"

Mohan lets out a groan, dropping the menu onto the table with a loud thud. "Rein it in, you guys. You will make your wife jealous."

Yash chuckles. "She's been over the moon ever since Rihan found someone. No more feeling like the third-wheel in her own marriage."

Mohan and I burst into laughter. I pat Yash's arm. "She can dream all she wants, but I'm not letting you go."

"Careful, Rihan. Mira might get jealous if you keep this up."

As if, I think to myself. Mira and jealous? That will happen when pigs fly. "Let's order."

"I have already taken care of it." Yash nods toward the waiter approaching our table with three trays of burgers, fries, and lemon iced tea.

"Thanks, bro," I say to Yash, stealing a fry from his plate.

"You never told us why you canceled your wedding," he brings up after a while.

"Postponed," I correct him, frowning. "I have explained it to everyone, including you two. It's an arranged marriage, but shouldn't we take the time to get to know each other?"

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