Don't Make A Deal With The Devil Lady

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Lute's POV:

I was so glad when Emily left me to it, even though I would have liked to spend a little more time with her. I just feel like a burden to her right now, and I'll stay that way as long as Adam is gone.

And that's why I decided I was going to make things right. So with that, I flew out of my bedroom window and far away.

It didn't feel right that I was just flying away from my problems, but on the other hand, I was actually flying towards a solution. I just feel bad that I had been lying to Emily...

Soon enough, I arrived at a beach with pale sand and a beautiful, pink ocean in front of it. Immediately, I found a deck chair with long, blonde hair flowing out of it.

I marched over to find Lilith sat there. She was staring at the vast ocean while sipping from a glass of red wine. It took a few clicks of my fingers for me to get her attention.

"Hello Lilith," I said.

"Hello, Lute, excuse me, but I'm busy right now, so you can bother me later!" Lilith responded rudely and then avoided my gaze by continuing to stare off into space.

"This is urgent, and I'm not leaving until you help me!" I protested, stamping my foot on the floor, and then kicked some sand on her.

"THE NERVE OF YOU!" She yelled but then took a deep breath as she tried to remain her cool, "Sorry, but with what?"

"Adam is dead, and I want him back!" I exclaimed.

Lilith chuckled and then proceeded.

"Why would you want him back? He was useless anyway, letting himself be killed by a little girl!" She said.

Lilith was starting to get on my nerves like how I was getting on hers, but I couldn't lose my temper. It is a lot of bad stuff she could do to me.

"Why don't we make a deal?" I suggested, giving a smug smile as I knew she loved that kind of thing.

"Exactly what type of deal?" She questioned, her voice sounding intrigued.

"If you bring back Adam, I can become a fallen angel!" I said.

The lady was left jaw-dropped by my suggestion, which was odd because I thought I was annoying her.

"A FALLEN ANGEL?! That only happens to angels that have actually done wrong things. All you did was flick a little sand on me!" Lilith argued against.

"I just can't live in a world without him. Besides, I would feel guilty if I went back to Emily having made a much more simple deal when I've lied about so much to her... she would feel so hurt!" I explained, holding back tears as I did so.

Lilith didn't want to let this be, but she didn't want to argue any further.

"Okay, if you're ready," She replied reluctantly, holding ot her hand.

"I was born ready!" I exclaimed determinedly.

But before I could shake it, I could see out of the corner of my eye that someone had landed nearby us. I was frightened when I turned to see that Emily was marching through the sand viciously with an angry expression on her face, one that I had never seen before.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I-i-i w-was-" I stuttered, but she cut me off very quickly.

"How could you trust Lilith enough to almost make a deal with her?" She questioned, "We've known each other for years, and yet you trust her more than me!"

"And what is exactly wrong with me?" Lilith asked, confused by everything that was going on.

"You're sketchy, manipulative, and a b word if you think you can just lure my precious Lute in with your lies and schemes!" Emily yelled.

"You don't understa-" I tried to argue, but she then turned to me and gave me the most threatening death stare I have ever seen in my life.

"You don't understand!" Emily shouted back, "And I thought we had a special bond..."

I wanted to calm her down, but she had lost it at that point. She pushed Lilith off of her deck chair and then stormed off, back to civilisation.

I quickly helped Lilith back up since I wasn't ready to confront my angey crush yet.

"So, do you still want to make the deal?" Lilith asked.

"No thanks, I don't think now is the right time," I responded and then stared off into the distance...


Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to quickly announce that I have a new Hazbin Hotel book coming out tomorrow as this one will be coming to a close soon.

I can't say much, other than the fact it's all about Chaggie!

Hopefully, I'll see you there tomorrow!!!

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 // Emilute //Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt