Chapter 6 ~ Invites

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rhi rhi
hey kay kay, i'm having a party tonight i did message cench but you know him only answers people he has priorities for. but anyways. i'm having a party tonight. it starts at 8 in my house in liverpool. can you, cench and ashley come?
kay kay🫶🏼
hey rhi rhi, i'm sure that'll be fine you know what cee's like 🤣
i'll go ask him now though.

end of texts

you go downstairs and go into the living room where u see oakley with his gang sorting all there shit out on the table. some have ballys on but you've met them all before. you find oakley and you can see anger in his eyes.

"kaylen kitchen, NOW" he says
"okay okay" you shiver, you hate it when people raise there voice at you. your mum always shouted at you so now yur a bit scared now.

you go into
the kitchen and start pacing, thinking that you've done smth wrong. then oakley comes in.
"i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry"
he walks over to you and brings you into a tight hug. you feel safe in his arms - you always have. he gives hugs like your dad used to although you and your dad have a bit of a rocky relationship now since he left your mum because
you were getting kicked and mum was getting aggressive and started drinking. you really missed him.

"i'm sorry for shouting at you darling i know you don't like it." he says and kisses you on the top of your head
"it's okay oakley i know you wouldn't do anything."
"i just hate you seeing me in my road environment because i don't want you thinking that i'm a bad person because i'm not. you know who and what i am but it's just not what i want you to see me as."
"i do love you Oakley - no matter what i'll always love you. from the beginning until the end."
he pull away from the hug.

"so anyways what did you need." he says
"i just wanted to ask if we could go to rhians party tonight at his house in liverpool?? start at 8 finished whenever asked if me u and ashley wanted to go??" you say
"i heard my name what's goin on" ashley walks in and says.
"party at rhians tonight can we go."
"yeah yeah i'm fine wiv dat" ashley says
"say nuttin. aight i'll message him back now"
"ight sound just go back upstairs then" oakley says

you go back upstairs and message rhian back.
(rhian brewster btw guys)

kay kay🫶🏼
hey rhi, we can come
rhi rhi🫶🏼
okay cool see you later. might be able to find yourself a man. never know 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
kay kay🫶🏼
well you can't tell cee but i'm chatting to a boy we're "talking" atm.
rhi rhi🫶🏼
kay kay🫶🏼
his names jobe, he's a footballer. he's lovely. was the only person who spoke to me on my first day and yeah he's such a nice boy. you'd get on.
rhi rhi🫶🏼
i've got a friend called jobe ahah. but anyways that's good. i'll see you later kay♥️
kay kay🫶🏼
ok rhi luv yu xx
rhi rhi🫶🏼
luvvv xx

end of messages

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