Chapter 4 ~ What happened ?

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(sorry guys it's a short one)

"why did i get a call from jackson saying that you'd been kicked out of PE"
"it wasn't even my fucking fault" you say
"watch your language when your talking to me Kaylen Violet Caesar-Su, tell me what the fuck happened" he says
"it was the girls fault not mine."
"we'll talk when we get home."
you get home and go inside. you run upstairs go to your room and slam the door. you start panicking thinking that oakley is mad at you. you hear someone coming up the stairs. your door opens and oakley walks in. he sees you having a panic attack and rushes over to you. he starts trying to calm you down.
"kaylen what's wrong? what's happened? try to breathe. i'm through your nose and out through your mouth. like this" he demonstrates "can you do that for me darling" you start slowly calming down.
"talk to me kaylen what's wrong."
"are - you - mad - a-at - me" you say
"what? no no no. i'm not mad at you. just tell me what happened at school please darling." he says. you lie down on your bed and be lies next to you. you lay your head on his chest.
"this girl called me a bitch started chatting n saying jo wonder i've been kicked out of 3 schools. i lost my shit wiv her so i shoved her literally barely even that hard n she fell over. then her little mate piped up. literally all because i skilled this girl up and apparently she plays for birmingham city or suttin."
"oh kaylen darling i'm sorry." he sits up and pulls you into a hug. you see Ashley standing at the door and you guess that he heard everything.
"that boy that walked me to the car though, he's a lovely boy Oaks. he stayed with me in the hub making sure i were alright. walked me to the car cuz he knows the ends r dodgy. i only met him today and i can already tell that he's gonna be a good friend of mine."
"that's good lil one. at least your making friends already." ashley says giving you a hug

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