Game out

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„Hey B, is everything okay?" she asks with a bit of concern for her, yes for sure he is a heartless person but with Blair he is different. Blair just laying on her bed she nods but no real respond

He's speaking gently in this moment... and his tone is soft. „You don't know?You look like something is off..." He's gently looking right at Blair... and he's concerned for her. She sighs „what if I tell you i saved your nieces from you"
Kai is a little... dumbfounded by her comment.
„You... you did what?"

„I did" she says cold.

Kai is really shocked... he didn't expect her to say this to him. He's also a little bit pissed... because how is it that Blair managed to pull this off without him detecting it. He's trying to remain calm... but he is pissed. „Sorry" she says not really serious. „Oh you're Sorry?" He asks sharply „You could have have cost me my only chance to get my revenge and all you say is "sorry"?. „You want the fucking truth?!" She asks cold. That is a sudden change in his tone... he's not calm at all anymore. He's really pissed off... and he's ready to lash out at her... but he's holding himself back because it's Blair. „Im Not sorry actually I'm really glad I saved that innocent little girls they are five years old! You can't kill them! And their your family! So shut up! And face the truth!" Blair says in a serious voice. He's even more pissed now... he's livid. He's not even able to hold himself back... and he's finally speaking his true thoughts to Blair. He's shouting at her. „who even are you?! I can't see our Blair in you anymore! you're becoming like Bonnie or someone from that group!" He speaks with a bit of anger.

„I'm not..." she says. He's really pissed right now... and he's not going to let her off easily. He's not letting Blair get away with this... and he's going to make her see things from his point of view. He's still speaking in an angry tone.„You're not??? Really??? Your eyes say other wise!!!"

„Okay you know maybe! I am but that doesn't mean i automatically will turn to the good now! I'm on your side!" She answers honest.

„You're on my side???"
*He gets even more mad as he speaks to her... and his fury increases. He's still shouting... and he's not pulling his punches now... he's not holding anything back... he's going to let Blair have it. „You're on my side??? But you just ruined my moment! You just ruined my chance to kill the twins!"

„Yes because they are little girls who didn't did anything they deserve a change for a normal life everyone deserves a better life then we had in our pasts" she says cold. Kai stops himself right there... and then he takes a breath... and he speaks in a more calm tone... though him being angry is still evident. He looks at Blair... and he speaks carefully now. He knows what she's saying makes sense... even though it pisses him off.
„And what about me? Don't I deserve a change? Don't I deserve a better life?"

„You do but you being psychopathic about it! You kill children for revenge on your circle! Face the truth you killed your family and circle and now you going after two little girls who probably don't even know that they are witches" she says sharp. His anger rises to an even higher level... he's just ready to lash out at you... but he's holding himself back... for now. He takes a moment... and then he speaks again... and this time he's even more enraged. „Don't you dare presume to know what I know... and don't you dare presume to tell me what I don't know. I know very well what I did... and I don't care what you have to say about it. All I care about... is the vengeance that I seek... nothing else."

Blair starts speaking up „Well you I'm out of the game! Out of everything! I don't want to be evil anymore!I'm done with you" she also looks at Katherine and Silas „with all of you!" Kai's anger is at its peak... and he can't believe Blair audacity. He's never thought that she would be so bold as to defy him like this... and to his surprise... he's starting to feel... afraid. She continues „According to me you can do all your revenges but don't include innocent children! And I'm out of the Revenge game!" He's shocked by her resolve... and he never believed that Blair would have it in her of all people. That... she... would stand up to them.

„what?!" Blair asks when they all silent. „I-" Katherine says but doesn't know what she should do now. „Are-" Silas try's to continue  but doesn't got it. Kai finally says „you can't just declare that you're not in the Revenge game anymore!" He sounds mad. „I can" Blair says serious.Kai speaks up He's more shocked the more she speak. His anger is still raging... but... he's getting to some kind of realization as he realizes the extent of Blairs change. „You... you can't... not without my permission." Blair answers cold „What? I can! Without me you would be nothing you would still stuck in Prison world! And I get it! No one of you is an afraid of losing me! You all are scared of losing the power I hold for you! But now we're done." Kai is... stunned by her words. She's completely right... and he didn't even realize that he's so reliant on Blair for her magic. Her words hit him like a ton of bricks. The shock of it... and the realization... is a lot for him. „you know I'm right." Blair says quietly.

They all are now silent... they letting all her words sink in. She's right... they always been able to hold the power because of Blair. Their silence shows that they taking the time to digest Her statement... and they actually not arguing back.
„That isn't a friendship here actually we all are just using each other, Katherine's survive skills, Silas's compulsion tricks, Kai's siphon and me for being an original, let's be real we never really were friends we just all wanted Revenge and maybe Respected eachother but no friendship is in this" Blair says. They all are... speechless. Blair is... completely right. Here this whole time... they were just using each other. They respected each others strengths... and their skill sets... but it was never really friendships. They never really cared for one another... this whole time they were simply using each other for their own purposes... and now... Blair is declaring that she's no longer playing this game..

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