Twilight truths

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After everything Caroline gets back home with Lizzie and Josie. Stefan and Klaus walking around the park behind the church to made sure everything is fine.Stefan's listening to Klaus...he told Stefan about Blair being his sister and what she did in the past and that she was locked away. Stefan is surprised to hear this because he didn't even know that Blair was Klaus's sister...they had never really talked about that. Blair is still sitting on the park bench...she's not paying attention to her surroundings. But Klaus and Stefan are in that same area...they're just as unaware as she is. Neither of them have seen her yet...she's not on their radar as someone to keep an eye out on. Klaus and Stefan keep walking around...and they remain oblivious to the fact that Blair is there too. She seems to be in a world of her own...she's sitting on the bench and she's just staring up at the Heaven a. She's alone and she's not paying attention to anything going on around her. The dusk is peaceful and calm.

Her mind seems to be elsewhere...she's in her own world right now.
Blair's mind is a complex place at the moment. She's thinking through many things... is it good to be evil? Is she doubting her evil actions? Should she tell her siblings the truth of their past? Will it affect their bond? What is happening with she having doubts? Does she really want revenge and does she even see herself as evil anymore? Blair has a lot of questions...and she's questioning her own actions and mindset. It seems that she may be having a bit of an internal struggle.

Blair doesn't seem to notice Klaus and Stefan at all. She's still completely focused on her own thoughts and the many things she's pondering on. Klaus and Stefan are walking through the park...and they eventually start to notice a familiar figure. They recognize her...but at first they're not quite positive of who it is. But then they get closer and they realize what they're seeing. It's Blair...she's sitting alone on a bench. Klaus turns to Stefan and tells him that he needs a moment alone with her. He wants to find out something...probably something about their past and their family. Blair, however, doesn't know this at all. She's still sitting there...pondering and focused on her thoughts. She doesn't see Klaus and Stefan...they're still not quite close to her yet. So she doesn't know what's about to happen. Blair remains in her own thoughts...she's not paying attention to her surroundings. She's still in her own world...and she doesn't know that she's about to be confronted by Klaus and Stefan. They're now getting very close to her...and she's still in her own world. Blair doesn't know that she's about to be confronted by her brother..he is  finally close enough to her to start talking.

Blair finally looks up...she breaks away from her thoughts and she looks up. She sees Klaus there...she didn't see them coming. She hadn't realized that he had gotten close to her. He have now come into her peripheral vision...and she's aware of him. Blair looks at Klaus as he stand before her...they're not saying anything as of yet... but she knows he is about to. Klaus is the one to speak up first...and he does so with a firm tone. „Hello sister." He says simply. Blair is taken aback by his words...she didn't expect him to directly call her "sister". But he did... and she takes a moment to respond.

„Hello Brother" she says it cold

Klaus waits a moment and then speaks up again „well it was a long time we didn't see each other" she answers cold and harsh „yes cause Mother locked me away" what he says now is shocking for her „well do you really think you deserve to be free?" He asks serious. „Definitely" she is still cold and harsh but when you look deeper in her eyes there is brokenness? Klaus looks at her...and he can see the brokenness. He notices how she stays  cold and harsh, but he also sees the brokenness. He knows that there is more to his sister than she's letting on. He takes a moment to study her face and her eyes...and he doesn't respond to her answer straight away. He remains silent...thinking. Klaus continues to stare at her...he's not looking away. She's cold and harsh, but yet...he's looking past it. He sees more than that. He sees her brokenness...he can see the pain in her eyes. Despite everything...despite everything, he still cares for his sister. He's willing to see the good in her like he did in himself...even when she's so cold maybe it gives a chance.

she's evil most definitely but maybe just maybe there is something good. Klaus  sees it...he sees the light in her despite the darkness. He sees the good in's faint, very faint. But he sees it. There is something good in her...and he can tell by how her eyes look that she's struggling. There is hope for her. There is still good in her...and she's his sister. And he can tell that she's in pain...she needs help. Blair lowers her gaze again, still cold and harsh. But Klaus can still see that there's something good in her...something that might still be worth saving. He doesn't see her as just a villain anymore. He has never really forgiven her or trusted her...but now he's starting to see something else in her. He sees her pain too.He also sits down next to her at the bench now

Klaus sits beside her at the bench now...he's still looking at her. There's something different in how he looks at her now. He's not afraid like he used to be...and he doesn't fear her power. He now sees that there is more to his sister than he realized. He's looking at her now... with a degree of care. He's still cautious of course, but he's more... open to who she might be than he has ever been. „what happened to you in there?where Mother locked you" he asks her calmly. She looks at him when she hears that she's still cold but in her eyes is fear and Trauma „I got tortured for years". Klaus stares at her...when she says that their Mother tortured her, he's taken by surprise. He knew that she was locked away...but he didn't know the extent of what happened to her. He knew that something had happened...but now he knows the extent of it.
„for how long?" He asks with a bit of compassion. She answers honestly „From 1002 until 1320 then I managed to get out but she locked me back in 1867 but 1999 I managed to get again."

Klaus is surprised when he hears the details...and he's shocked. 1002 until 1320...that's a very long time. He listens to the details...and he's taken aback by how long she has been tortured for these years. He listens to the other details as well...1867, 1999...she had been locked away for so many years. He's surprised that she somehow got out twice...and then she was locked in again. No wonder she's so cold...and traumatized. She lets out a sigh „and this from our own mother..." Klaus is even more horrified when he realizes her own mother did that to her. He'd known that she was locked away...but he didn't realize that their mother did that to her.
„our own Mother?" He says, sounding surprised.

„yes Esther did this to me she did everything and it never gave a reason for it" shes still cold but tears filling her eyes and the pain in her voice gets louder „Nik I never tried to kill you or Rebekah or Elijah or Kol or Freya or anyone she was the monster not me!" her face is still cold except the tears and a the brokenness in her voice.

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