Whispers of Change

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„But when i Change I will pay a price that will be really expensive" she says serious. He listens to what she's saying... and he understands her concern. So... you're worried that you'll pay... a price... if you change... but... what price? He asks in a gentle tone...he's curious now. „I know that in pursuing change, I'll have to sacrifice the comfort of familiarity and perhaps even risk the relationships I hold dear" Blair admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. Klaus thinks about this...and he speaks plainly and directly.
„If you change from evil to good, there is a possibility that some people will hate you for it. There are people who prefer evil to good... they want people to be evil like them... they don't like the change. But.... is that a reason to not change? To not be your authentic self? Is that reason enough to keep you in the darkness forever?"

Blair looks at him and speaks up again „No i think the real reason was...when I locked away That darkness around me had promising me vengeance and the price that i paid was...very to expensive but There was never something to lose because I was lonely and friendless and now I can lose when i change back then it didn't mattered but now it does."

He takes in what she says... and his eyes show empathy when she mention the price that Blair paid. „I see... so your darkness promised you vengeance... and that darkness came at a cost... The price that you paid for revenge.... was very expensive. Was that cost too much? Now, you feel like you're still have to do Revenge cause you made friends while being Bad but Blair i believe you, you can change..." She waits a bit and then responds „yes i-i should go now it's late" Klaus notices her tense... he's not sure what just happened. He can tell that she's still a little afraid... a little on edge. He senses it as he can see it. He doesn't press Blair though... he lets it happen. „Okay then... if you need to go... it's fine." she stands up and goes out of the park. Klaus notices her leaving...and he's left wondering. He was having a nice moment with his sister. And then... all of a sudden she leaves. He just doesn't fully understand what happened. But he lets her go... and he decides to give her space. There's something bothering her... and she needs to deal with it... and in his mind that is completely okay. He'll let Blair deal with it on her own. He'll let her come to him when she's ready. Klaus watches her walk off... and even from a distance, he can sense the tension in her body. He just let's her go... he lets her go back home. He knows she's dealing with something... and he'll let her do it on her own. The moment they had... was nice. But he realizes that it's not going to result in immediate change. She has more to do... and his job is simply to listen to her..and to be there for her. There's not much he can do for now.

While walking Home to the Mansion of Katherine, Silas, Kai and Her, she thinks about that conversation with her brother. Can she really change? Or is it good to be d bad? What does SHE want?....

Blair gets into the Mansion. Katherine and Silas celebrating for destroying the wedding and Kai complaining about that he couldn't find the girls to kill them. Oh when he would know.... Blair came in she's a bit tense „Hello" she said cold but quiet. „Hey B, is everything alright?" Kai asks confused. She nods „yes I just need sleep." After saying that she goes into her Bedroom lay down in her bed.

Blair thinks again and again and always it comes to the same thought should she change? A light knock is on her door, it's Kai.

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