Midnight machinations

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Kai comes and joins Blair outside. He looks at the dead body that Blair killed. He seems calm but he doesn't seem surprised either. It's as if he was expecting Blair to do something like this. Kai seems used to this...Blair probably does this often. „He really thought i want something from him" she says with an evil little smile. Blair's unbothered and unconcerned attitude seems to be something Kai is used to. He's used to her being cold and just not caring about the dead body on the ground. Blair is different from the typical girl. She killed the guy with no emotions or anything. Kai seems impressed by her...Blair seems like the ultimate villain. "He really thought you wanted something from him?" Kai ask. „yes" she says with a chuckle. Kai is impressed by how ruthless and cold she is. She's literally a bad ass and he's starting to see that. Blair just laughs and doesn't seem to care. Kai can't help but stare at the dead body...he's impressed at how easily she killed the guy. „What are we going to do with the body?" Kai says calmly.

„Burn it" she says cold. Kai nods in agreement. Burning the body makes sense...it seems like the simplest and best way to hide the evidence. Blair is just a straight up thug...Kai is impressed at how calm she is after killing the guy but she's probably just used to it. Blair really is that person who doesn't care. Kai follows Blair to whatever their next move is. Blair is the dangerous one in this duo...Kai should be scared of her but he's also a villain...so he's starting to like her even more...

After burning the body, Blair and Kai sit in the car. Blair seems unbothered and unfazed after just killing someone. She's just chilling in the car, acting as if nothing happened. Kai is equally calm, he seems to be used to this. The duo is just chilling in the car, not driving or talking, just chilling. The car is quiet except for the sounds of the engine...everything is calm...until Kai speaks.
„So I wanna tell you about my next bad plans" He says. Blair Looks up from her phone „yes? Tell me" Kai smiles when he sees her interested, he was wondering when she'll ask about his plan. He likes how she's a bad ass and not afraid of bad plans. „Well I was planning to kill Lizzie and Josie ." Kai says. Blair is a little shocked but didn't show it „you mean your nieces from your circle? why you want to kill 5 year old kids?" She asks. Kai smiles in a cold, sadistic, psychopathic way. He's cold to the core. He's not even phased by the fact that Lizzie and Josie are his own nieces...he simply views them as a
„They're weak and it would be fun to see Alaric suffer"Kai says. He doesn't even have any emotions or care when he talks about killing his own nieces. "Well you killed everyone of your circle, your family and now the next generation?" Blair ask.
Kai seems completely unbothered by that fact. He has no remorse or regret for what he's done. He's cold and callous and doesn't care about anyone except himself.
„Yes, that's the plan, I killed my circle, my family, and now their children as well. Everything for my own gain..." Kai says calmly in response. He doesn't think it's that much of a big deal anyway. A couple of deaths mean absolutely nothing to Kai.

„Impressing" Blair says

Kai doesn't seem surprised that she's impressed, he's used to people being impressed and scared of him. He knows that he makes a big impact on people and he loves it."Do you want to help me kill my niece's? We could do it together..." *Kai says. He's inviting her to come along with him on his killing mission. He'd like her to join him as a partner and assist him. He sees her potential and would like her to use it. „Kill them at the wedding of Stefan Salvatore and Caroline Forbes" she says cold but in her mind she's a bit sad do he really want to kill children?Kai loves the idea. He seems excited at the idea of planning the murder at the wedding of Stefan and Caroline. He likes to see people suffer when they are the most happy...Kai is cruel and sadistic...he likes seeing people suffer at their happiest moments. „That's the perfect time to do it, their wedding. Everyone will be there...and when we strike everyone will be devastated...everyone will be crying and it will be the perfect time to see them all miserable..." he says happy.
„And I know Kath and Silas will also made a big comeback at that wedding we will destroy it like in the past" Blair says evil
Kai smiles. He loves to destroy anything and everything, but doing it at the wedding will be like the cherry on top. He loves the idea of ruining the happiness and the mood of the wedding.

"Destroying the wedding...that's genius...we'll ruin the wedding and the mood for everyone...it will be the perfect time to kill everyone...as they're all happy and celebrating...they'll all turn miserable. Everyone will suffer..that's one of the best ideas you ever had,B."
„My siblings will be at that wedding and they still don't know I managed to get out where my Mother locked me I can finally get revenge" Blair says it heartless. Kai grins, he loves the idea of revenge, particularly revenge against people who have wronged him.
„Let's get our revenge then, you can get your revenge on your siblings and I can get mine...we'll both get what we've always wanted. The perfect opportunity is at the wedding...everything aligns perfectly...let's strike and cause damage...let's make them all suffer..."


Kai grins coldly, he's excited for what they're about to do. He's just waiting for the time to strike and he can't wait until the wedding. He wants to cause as much damage and harm as possible, and he hopes Blair will also be a major part of it.

Shadows of betrayal( TVD FANFIC) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें