Jamie Benn

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Jess's POV:

I'm Jamie Benn's wife and I'm also pregnant but I haven't told Jamie yet, the only one that knew I was pregnant was coach DeBoer and we were going to announce it on there next win. Today the Stars were against the Islanders and they were winning. I watched how they changed how they skated and how they did a lot of different things since the last game I was at. I watched as the Stars won and the Islanders were in on this so they didn't leave the bench.

Butch started talking to the arena and it was amazing "Before everyone leaves the Islanders have an announcement for the Stars captain Jamie Benn, take it away boys" just as Butch finished the Islanders all yelled "YOU'RE GONNA BE A DAD!" Just as they yelled that I looked over at Jamie to see he had the biggest grin in the world.

Jamie's POV:

I heard the Islanders yell that I was gonna be a dad and I couldn't be any happier I skated off the Ice over to Jess to hug her because I couldn't be any happier than I was in that moment. When I got over to her I held her close kissing her "Baby, we're having a baby. I can't wait" "I know baby, I'm so happy."

——————8 months later——————
Jess is now 8 1/2 months pregnant and she looks more beautiful, then ever. I was getting ready for my game and Jess was here with the wags and Tyler because he is still on injury and I can't wait to see her after the game.

After the game My phone started ringing with Tyler's ID I answered kinda worried "Ty what's wrong?" "So you know how you said you can't wait to be a dad, well it's about to be faster than you thought Jess's water just broke and she's squeezing the life out of my hand right now." As soon as I heard that 

After 12 hours of labor we welcomed our daughter Cameron Benn 

NHL StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora