Jamie Benn

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You were going on a school trip with your class (college class). "Aren't you excited Alex" Lindsey asks, "mhm, I hope were group mates."

"Okay class settle down and sit down" your teacher says "I'm picking the groups, first we have...." you wait as your teacher calls names "Lindsey, Cameron and Tyler" your teacher calls and my and Lindsey look at each other sadly. She continues to call names "Last but not least Jake (Your ex), Alex and Jamie (Your enemy)"  "we're in a group together princess" Jamie teases "How exciting" you roll your eyes. On the bus you sit next to your best friend, Lindsey, "I can't believe we aren't in the same group, I have to share a room with my ex" you tell her "and Jammmiiieee, you've liked him since 5th grade" "Oh shut up-!" you say blushing "nothings gonna happen with Jake there anyway" 

You guys talk for the rest of the bus ride till you get to the hotel "ok remember curfew is 8:45pm, lights out by 10" your teacher yells "Yes ma'am" everyone repeats back heading inside. You hang out with your best friend till about 7:40 then you head to your room. As you enter the room Jamie leaves the bathroom only wearing a towel around his waist. You stop dead in your tracks and stare, he wasn't facing you but his muscular back was, He turns around hearing the door close. His toned abs and v-line now showing. Your face flushes a bright pink, he smirks "if you stare like that I might take off more" Your face flashes a even deeper red and you look away "s-shut up and put clothes on" you reply. "if you say so" he smiles and get ready.

You feel a tap on your shoulder causing you to jump as you turn, Jamie's face inches away from yours, he's fully clothed now and smirking. He leans in slightly, the door opens behind you and before you can fall Jamie catches you. You drop your head to see Jake standing at the door, "Falling for me already princess" Jamie says and you roll your eyes "That was so cringy I could barf" you get out of his arms and start to walk to the beds, you stop. Two beds, Three people. Jamie walks in behind you and sees the problem "you can sleep with me  princess" he smiles, "she'll sleep with me" Jake says. You turn to Jake "Why the hell would I sleep with you" then you turn to Jaime "and no". You start to walk to the couch but before you could reach it you feel strong arms wrap around you, "wha-" you get picked up and taken to the bed by Jamie, he lays down with you in his arms "I forgot my teddy bear so I guess you have to replace him" You try to get out of his death grip as Jake just looks at you guys in shock. You gave up on trying to get of Jamie's grip and relaxed. 

He was so comfortable, it was like you were sleeping with a warm bear his strong arms were wrapped around your waist and under your head. Soon you fell asleep dreaming about teddy bears. You wake up to Jamie tapping your shoulder "mmhmm" you groan and turn over and try to grab your stuffed animal back. "You want me that bad princess?" He asks and you open your eyes. You had your hand on his chest trying to pull him in, "i-i though you were..." he smirks "Jake is downstairs eating come down and eat".

-Time Skip-

You come down in a tight black shirt and shorts and sit across from Lindsey and tell her what happened. "YOU SLEPT WITH HIM" she half yells and you see Jamie smirk from the other table. "OMG shut up" you cover your face with your hands and peek over at Jamie who was staring at you with a smirk. He gets up and you watch him, just like many others, as he come and sits down next to you. "Well hey they princess, heard you talking about me" he smiles and you see Jack glaring, Lindsey smirks and 'accidentally' spills water on herself "Gotta go clean up" she winks at you and leaves, now it's just Jamie and you. Alone. 

Jaime looks at you for a moment before speaking "looks like it's just me and you princess" "And everyone else eating breakfast" you say sarcastically back. He smiles "Well I guess your right, better hurry up so we can go site seeing" That knocks some sense into you "oh yeah!" you smile and start to talk about all the place you want to see. "...and then we can go to get some food at this place-" you look at Jamie who's just staring with a smile on his face. "I-I'm sorry I got carried away and-" you start to apologize "no no keep going, you look cute when you're excited he responds.

You had an amazing time with Jamie at the restaurant and it was some of the best food you've ever eaten. You and Jamie are exploring the city till 8:20 "That was so fun" you say with a smile. "Well of course it was" he smiles as he holds up all your bags "You really don't have to hold those" you say feeling bad. " I wouldn't want you to fall in those heels" we walk into the hotel room, you open the door and see Jake there looking mad "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALEX" he yells. "I-i uhm" you say starting to get nervous "Why should she have to tell you where she is, last time I checked you guys aren't dating" Jamie snaps back, "Shut up Jamie no one was talking to you" he says. "get out" you say "What?" Jake looks at you "GET OU" you yell at him. "What I can't this is a hotel, this is my room" he starts to mumble "You heard her get out" Jamie starts to walk towards Jake and he backs away, "fine, I'm leaving back off".  

With that he left and Jamie hugged me and whispered "I would never do that to you princess"

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