Cole Caufield

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Cole Caufield as himself

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Cole Caufield as himself

Megan Fox as Jenna Michaels

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Megan Fox as Jenna Michaels

Jenna's POV:

It was stupid, just so stupid. My boyfriend of 4 years gone, He cheated on me, kicked me out and took my money. I had nothing but the clothes on my back and this stupid headache, I couldn't get rid of... The headache, I was starting to feel lightheaded. 

"Jenna, Jenna are you ok" I hear before falling to the ground, at least I think it was the ground, it was cold, really cold. Then suddenly I felt warm. I tried to open my eyes but the street light hurt my head, "Jenna are you ok?" the deep voice says again then I blacked out.

-Time Skip-

I wake up with my head pounding, I groan as I sit up and look around, I had no idea where I was. I see Cole sitting in a chair next to the bed and I scream. He jumps up and looks around, his face softens when he sees me, "Jenna, you're awake are you ok?" I calm down a bit "Where am I? What happened?" "You are at my house, you passed out outside, uhm didn't what to do" I start to remember a little, "oh uhm I'm feeling better, my head still hurts" I blush "did you carry me all the way here?" "Yeah, are you hungry" he gets up and starts to walk to the door "I'll get you water".

Cole comes back in balancing food in one hand and water in the other hand. He places the warm food on your lap and hands you the water "thank you" it was pancakes and they looked amazing "who made these?" Cole smiles "I did, sweetheart" I look at him with a surprised look on my face, "you can cook?" I asked "Well I guess you'll find out when you take a bite" I smiled and take a bite, it tasted better than it looked. He smiles at your reaction and watches me, they were the best pancakes I've ever eaten. 

-time skip-

I've been staying with Cole and his mom for a few weeks, they were so sweet to me. I walk into Cole's room and sit on his bed, soon I fall asleep on his bed. When I wake up, I have a blanket over me and I can hear the shower running. I snuggle back to sleep when I hear the bathroom door open, I take a peek and I can see Cole with only a towel around his waist looking at himself in the mirror with his back to me. 

I sit up a little and watch him, he takes a glance at me through the mirror and smirks "Having fun sweetheart?" he says "Yea lots" I reply with a smile. He chuckles a little and walks over to his closet and starts to pull out clothes, he turns to me "enjoying the show?" I blush a little but start clapping "encore, encore" I cover my eyes and he finishes getting dressed jumping onto the bed next to me when he's done. We turn on a scary movie and start watching, a jump scare comes on and I push against his chest. I feel him laugh and I look up, he was holding my waist as I sat on his lap "Cole, I hope that is your belt" I say my face turning red "No you don't" he says before he kisses me. 

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