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~The Ranawat Family~

1. Dhanraj Singh Ranawat :

Triaaksh's father (57 years)

He doesn't have a good relation with him since one of the tragic incident happened in Ranawat family but we can't deny the fact that he loves Aksh with the bottom of his heart

He's the reason of Trihanvi's Marriage which turns out be a forced alliance

2. Rajshree Dhanraj Singh Ranawat

Triaaksh's Mother (53 years)

She's a very sweet and kind personality, always wanted the best for her children, A Traditional yet Modern Lady

Loves Ishanvi like her own daughter

3. Yug Singh Ranawat

Younger brother of  Triaaksh (20years)

A naughty and fun loving guy who loves to spend time with his family, Far away from business ideas as his plan is going on another track because he wants to be a renowned Architect of this Pink City "Jaipur"


~The Goenka Family~

1. Tejas Goenka

Father of Ishanvi (56 years)

A very loving and caring personality who wants only happiness on the faces of his family, he is a lecturer at Prestigious university of Jaipur

He was the one who asked Ishanvi to tie the knot with Aksh

2. Sushmita Goenka

Step-mother of  Ishanvi (54 years)

She's a very cunning lady, even though she talks sweet but there is always a motive hidden behind her sweet words which would be always benefittable for her and her real daughter

The Marriage Alliance was one of the benefits she wanted

3. Mithali Goenka

Step-sister of Ishanvi (20 years)

She's soft spoken and a very mature person, She loves and cares of Ishanvi like a real sister..she doesn't have a good relation with her mother and hence, Sushmita holds Navi responsible for that


This is it for Introduction : 2

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Author : SleepySparrow ♥

|| Word Count : 304 ||

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